17| We're gonna be rich

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     Jason stood transfixed at the door, quite surprised  to see Daniel

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     Jason stood transfixed at the door, quite surprised  to see Daniel. He noticed the unwelcoming look on his face and immediately knew that his presence angered the man, but he had no plans on leaving.
  He glanced over Daniel's shoulder  and noticed Faith who seemed uneasy. He was instantly compelled to ask about her well-being, but before he was given the chance to do so, Daniel's voice interrupted.

     "Here to rescue your damsel?" came his snide remark that left Jason confused.

Oblivious to what was happening, Jason stood trying to figure out what might have caused Daniel's question, but looking at the couple, he was able to come to the conclusion that things had took a turn. He came willing to fight for Faith, but now all that seemed  futile judging by what he was seeing. It seemed he didn't  have to fight, just convince.

     "Daniel, just go!" Faith exclaimed from behind which had Daniel grinding his teeth.

He turned to acknowledge Faith, eyes shooting daggers while he stared her down, not in the least bit cautious in exposing his true self, seeing that he had no need to be careful anymore. He turned sideways to look at them both, a conniving smile on his smug face while he sized them up.

        "And to think I once thought you were a good woman. But I guess being  a bitch has its way of catching up with people." He turned to Jason to see his expression but a flying fist was what he saw instead as he involuntarily staggered to the floor.

Faith gasped, hands moving to her mouth at Jason's unexpected actions, an angry Daniel  scrambling to his feet and holding his jaw as he tried to conceal his embarrassment.

     "Don't make this harder for yourself Faith.  I can make your life very complicated," and with that threat being said, he gave one angry glance at Jason before going through the door.

Temporarily paralysed by the overwhelming events of the day, Faith only regained her composure when the door slammed. Her eyes instantly caught sight of Jason who seemed more worried than he was angry.  He moved towards her in quick strides, searching her face to detect and read her emotions, his hand going up to cup her jaw, using his thumb to gently caress her cheeks.

    "What's going on?" he softly asked, eyes not leaving hers while they demanded answers.

Faith shook her head in a pointless attempt to clear it, shrugging out of his hold and moving towards the sofa where she sat with elbows on knees.  Jason accompanied her and awaited her response, using the silence as an opportunity to admire and appreciate the beauty that she carried, though sadness intervened. He silently  wished he had seized the moment years ago when they had met - he knew they would be living happily now.  And a part of him told him there is a reason for everything but another part of him told him that was a silly excuse.

    "It's like he changed in a second," Faith finally blubbered. Jason put his thoughts to a halt as he listened to what she had to say.

     "What do you mean?" He asked.

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