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Faith arranged for a meet up with Daniel a day after her discussion with her friends

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Faith arranged for a meet up with Daniel a day after her discussion with her friends. He had not been particularly enthused but with a lot of convincing on Faith's part, he conceded.

Oblivious of the fact that Jason would join them, Daniel entered the house looking like the smug bastard he was. His grin came in place when he saw Faith seated with glass of water in hand. He stopped, tucked his hands into his pockets and allowed his eyes to trail along the confines of the room. When he finally brought his gaze back to Faith, he slightly hung his head and regarded her pitifully.

       "What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" he questioned bitterly.

Faith grew more surprised with each passing second, not quite believing that this was the same person she had once wanted to spend the rest of her life with. It would have been the biggest regret of the century, but luckily for her, she had the support of Jason and her senses.

       "Your proposition," Faith provided calmly.

He rose a brow. "I figured. What do you need me to clarify? As soon as you have accumulated the funds, I will give you instructions on wiring it to an account," his wide lips stretched further into a winning smile.

He was so confident of his victory and judging my how meek and hopeless Faith looked, he had no doubts of his impending wealth.

Maybe she would even beg to get him back, to spare herself the cost, Daniel thought gleefully.

But his moment of sick confidence ended when Jason appeared from the entrance of the kitchen, looking as serious as a judge – or in his case, a lawyer – decked out in a crisp jacket suit, looking as if he was ready for trial.
    Daniel's swallow was visible as he glanced from Jason to Faith, quite surprised by the turn of events.

      "What is this?" he hissed angrily.

Jason approached him slowly, strongly resisting the urge to send him to the floor again, but he remained composed... For now at least.

       "I'm here to make you an offer – one you won't resist." His jaw flexed, his blue eyes narrowed fiercely on Daniel's.

He seemed to quiver under the intensity of Jason's glare, but knew he couldn't wither in his presence. So, Daniel squared his shoulders, lifted his chin, intent on looking just as serious as Jason did. But his 5ft12" height did not meet Jason's, along with the fact that ripped denim and hooded sweater just did not cut it when standing beside a man in a perfectly tailored designer suit.

It was safe to say his attempt failed...sourly.

He cleared his throat. "There's only one offer on the table and we all know it's mine."

     "Believe me, you'll want to hear this." And he indeed wanted to hear no matter how he feared the outcome.

Daniel folded his arms. "You are going to leave this city and never show your face again," Jason informed sternly.

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