19|Beautiful sin

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       "I wish I had seen his face before he was dragged out by Jason's cronies," Matthew mused as he took a sip of wine

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"I wish I had seen his face before he was dragged out by Jason's cronies," Matthew mused as he took a sip of wine.

Gathered at a table and seated in one of the most established restaurants in the city, the others, except Faith, laughed, Kaylyn nodding in agreement.

     "Yeah. And I can't believe I was right about him all along," Kaylyn said with a proud grin, briefly glancing at Faith. "I'm just sorry you had to get hurt in the process, Fay."

      "Well, surprisingly I'm fine – thank you for the support guys,"  she regarded them softly. "I just can't shake the feeling that it's not really over, you know."

Jason reached for her hand on the table and enveloped it in his, using his thumb the caress the back of her hand. She turned to him and the smile he had in place was enough to reassure her that all would be fine.

His later said words, sealed what his gesture implied. "Don't worry, everything will be fine - don't doubt that." His words were soft as well as his touch and Faith didn't know if it was the influence of the wine or her own unceremonious thoughts, but she badly wanted to kiss him.

Kaylyn nudged Matthew and they both shared a secret smile.

    "What do you say we call it a night," Matthew exclaimed with a pretend yawn.

    Faith's brows knitted as she brought her gaze to both of them. "We just got here and if you must know, I'm hungry."

     "Hungry for Jason," Kaylyn muttered lowly, something only Matthew heard. He chuckled lightly and then cleared his throat.

     "Look, you guys can stay if you want but I just remembered... I had this er– meeting early tomorrow and Kaylyn has um..." He looked to Kaylyn for an excuse.

      "Yoga!" she exclaimed, a bit louder than expected.

     Matthew held back his snort. "Yeah, Kaylyn has...yoga – and you know, she has to sleep early to build her strength in oder to do all that stretching and..." He swallowed, clearly seeing that he wasn't doing a good job at lying. "Stuff."

Kaylyn scratched her neck and eyed Matthew in question. "Yeah."

     "You don't do yoga," Faith stated wryly.

     "Says who. Sapphire signed  me up–" she quickly cut herself off. "I mean Liz! — Liz signed me up."

    Faith drawled an unconvinced, "Okay."

Kaylyn and Matthew got up, leaving Jason and Faith shaking their heads.

    Jason chuckled. "I don't think Matthew has a meeting and I definitely know Kaylyn doesn't have yoga."

Faith laughed. "Yeah I think what they did was obvious," she said with a smile.

Jason turned to her and held her gaze. "Well I don't mind at all."

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