8|He has her back, she has his heart.

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"So I think Faith likes Jason," Kaylyn told Matthew after putting the kids to bed that night

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"So I think Faith likes Jason," Kaylyn told Matthew after putting the kids to bed that night. The words had been hanging on her lips ever since realization of the fact dawned and now that they were finally to themselves, Kaylyn was happy to spill the beans.

Matthew paused in the process of shrugging off his jacket, turning to face Kaylyn with a quizzical look on his face.

"What?" he exclaimed, brows knitted as he awaited clarification.

A smile curled at the corners of kaylyn's mouth, chin lifted as she prepared herself for what she was about to say.

"She likes him, it was kinda obvious after today," Kaylyn stated as she flopped down on the sofa.

"What?" Matthew reiterated, still a bit confused, not quite able to fathom his wife's words.

Kaylyn rolled her eyes and released a gentle huff. "I don't understand why I didn't see it earlier –"

"Maybe because there was nothing to see," Matthew cut in pointedly, taking a seat beside Kaylyn and turning to meet her gaze. "Look honey, maybe you're just getting ahead of yourself, they're just friends."

Kaylyn shook her head as Matthew spoke, not accepting his words or the disbelief he held against hers.

"Didn't you see her reaction to Daniel's proposal?" She exclaimed, perking up a questioning brow as she gazed at Matthew.

"Of course I saw it, she was shocked!"

Kaylyn scoffed. "There's no point talking to you about this, but next time, just look when they're around each other. I didn't see it earlier but I saw it today and maybe if you had heard the conversation I had with Faith, you would have seen it too."

Matthew was silent, seemingly in deep thought as he pondered on the words his wife had spoke. Of course, he had been around the two enough times to pick up on a possible chemistry, but he had never seen it. Faith was always glued to Daniel and Jason was always to himself, so hence the lack of evidence to kaylyn's suspicions.

"Honey, maybe you're seeing things that aren't really there because you don't like Daniel," Matthew reasoned, trying to put another alternative in his wife's head, since her suspicions were frankly, ludicrous.

Fanning him off dismissively, Kaylyn resisted the urge to blatantly gawk at him. "I'm not trying to cause trouble, if that's what you're implying. I'm trying to prevent my friend from making a mistake."

"Kaylyn, tomorrow is the beginning of the in vitro process, if you try to convince Faith that she is making a mistake, she will never speak to you again. You know how she is; if what you're saying is somehow true, Faith will eventually come to realize it in her own time," Matthew explained, hoping his words would resonate with her.

Kaylyn was momentarily silent before she spoke again. "So I should sit back and watch as she makes a huge mistake?"

"You don't know if it will be a mistake. She loves Daniel and this is what she wants, so let it be."

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