03|Choose wisely

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    "Look, I'm not saying Danny is a bad guy, Matt, but I'm just scared for Faith

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    "Look, I'm not saying Danny is a bad guy, Matt, but I'm just scared for Faith. After all, this is a big step," Kaylyn explained to Matthew while turning the pancakes for breakfast.

     "I'm sure she will be fine," Matthew said as he kissed her quickly on the cheeks. "I'm actually happy for Faith."

    "Me too but–"

     "You just don't like the guy," Matthew interjected calmly.

She sighed. "I didn't say that–"

   "You didn't have to. I see the way you're always drilling the guy with questions and whenever he's around your whole face changes completely – not in a good way," he said, raising a brow.

  Kaylyn released a defeated sigh. "I know he loves Faith and she loves him, but I just find him a bit shady, that's all," she shrugged, taking out the now ready pancakes on a plate.

   Matthew poured two cups of coffee into the matching mugs Sapphire had picked out for them on their one year anniversary.

    "Well, if it makes you feel any better, Faith didn't like me either and look how that turned out," he smiled, earning one from Kaylyn as well.

    "I guess you're right. I owe her an apology." Kaylyn reflected as she went into deep thought for a moment.

     "She's gonna need your support now more than ever hon, so why don't you go wish her your best," Matthew supplied as he took a sip of his coffee.

Kaylyn glanced at him, her eyes suddenly widening. "Damn, what time is it?"

Matthew glanced at his watch and quickly provided her with an answer. "Twenty minutes to nine."

Kaylyn muttered a curse, immediately beginning to rip off the apron from around her waist. "Jason told me that the meeting was at nine. I should go apologize before that– let her know that she has my full support." She said hastily, turning and looking around for nothing in particular.

   "You know you can do that over the phone," Matthew suggested.

She shook her head. "Some things are best said in person. Uh– can you get the kids ready for me? Sapphire's a bit slow so make sure she isn't late for school and Jojo doesn't like cereal that much so..."

Kaylyn trailed off when she saw Matthew grinning. "You do know that I'm their father, right? I know all of this," he chuckled.

  Kaylyn smiled, clearing her head of the seeming confusion. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I just..."

     "Don't be sorry, everything will be fine. Go."

She quickly ran to him and kissed him firmly on the lips. "I love you."

   "I love you too," Matthew called when she was almost out the door. He then chuckled.


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