06|Why couldn't you just adopt...?

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A day before the IVF proceedings, Faith had arranged a dinner in celebration of everything

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A day before the IVF proceedings, Faith had arranged a dinner in celebration of everything. While she knew she wasn't completely out of the woods, she thought thanks needed to be given for the progress so far. She invited those closest to her; Kaylyn and her household family, Jason, her mother and of course, Lilly.

      She was in the kitchen preparing the meals, with a helping Daniel when a knock came at the door.

She paused, glancing at Daniel with her eyes wide. "We still have about half an hour, who could it be already?" she asked, sounding a bit bewildered.

Daniel shrugged in nonchalance. "I don't know," he said, as he wiped his hands. "I'll go get it."

Faith nodded with a sigh, watching as he left to do so. She still had a few things left to do, but feared she wouldn't have enough time to get everything done. She still also had to change into something more appropriate and get herself freshened up before everyone arrived.

   She heard laughing and indecipherable murmuring, lifting her head to find Daniel entering with Lilly at his side.

Faith's eyes widened. "Wow– hey, you're early," she couldn't help pointing out, though she was glad to see the woman.

Moving towards her, Faith gave her best smile, embracing her in a hug and making sure to not get her dirty hands on her.

Lilly chuckled softly. "Yeah, I'm sorry I came unannounced, I just didn't have anything to do and quite frankly, I'm eager to meet everyone," she defended, pulling apart and smiling up at Faith.

       "No, no it's completely fine, I'm glad you're here, at least now we've got another helping hand," she grinned, watching as a smile brightened the woman's face.

    "I'd be happy to help," she chirped, moving with Faith behind the counter. "My grandma taught me to cook, ever since I was just a young girl."

   "Well, that's reassuring," she said, handing Lilly an apron. "My mom taught me."

They continued with the light conversation, all three of them laughing to jokes shared while they busied themselves with the preparation of the meal. Faith was quite contented with the fact that the conversation with Lilly was never dull or stiff – everything flowed fluently, almost as if they knew each other for a long time.

      "Faith honey, the others should be on their way. Why don't you go and get changed," Daniel suggested, taking the Mac and cheese from the oven.

Faith immediately perked up. "Yeah, you're right, I'll be back," she said, immediately dashing off to their bedroom.

Lilly and Daniel were left in the kitchen, silence accompanying them with the exception of the clunking of utensils and the shuffling of feet.

      "Wh–" a knock came at the door, putting pause to what Daniel was about to say.

     "I'll get it," Lilly quickly said, not waiting on a reply before she quickly scampered towards the door.

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