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Daniel released a heavy breath, straightening his shirt before he approached the woman at the desk — so engrossed in her work that she didn't see him approach

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Daniel released a heavy breath, straightening his shirt before he approached the woman at the desk — so engrossed in her work that she didn't see him approach.

      "Hello," he was already smiling when the woman lifted her head.

      "Hi," came the enthusiastic reply. "How may I help you, sir?" the timid blonde asked, her eyes a bright blue with a smile matching it's warmth.

     "Is your boss in?" he asked in anticipation for a reply.

     "He is. Do you have an appointment?" the secretary asked.

Daniel scratched his head. "No, I'm afraid not," he made a face.

    "You have to—"

     "Just tell him it's Daniel, will you....please."

She nodded stiffly before pressing the intercom to inform her 'boss' of the unexpected visit.

She smiled up at him after ending the conversation. "You may go in."

Daniel smiled charmingly. "Thank you."


Finally developing the courage to visit Faith, Jason did so two days after his meet up with Kaylyn to personally analyze the situation. He paused at the door before he knocked, contemplating on whether or not he was doing the right thing. If Kaylyn was right, he would be happy to stare his friend straight, but if she was wrong, Jason knew it would all blow up in his face.

He huffed out a breath and knocked, hearing a distant, "coming," from inside.

Jason sighed hearing Faith's voice, suddenly feeling like a school boy on quest to ask his crush for a prom date.

     When the door burst open, Jason smiled seeing her. "Hey."

     "Hi, what brings you here? Come in," she said while moving to the side to allow him entry.

       "Um, I was just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by," he replied flatly.

    Faith scoffed. "People still say that?" she made a face which accompanied a laugh.

Jason scratched his head. "You've caught me. Actually, I came to talk to you."

Faith's brows knitted. "What about?"

Jason glanced about the room. "Is Daniel here?"

      "Nope, I'm all yours," she winked, Jason's stomach knotted. "What's this about?"

Not knowing where to start or how to start the conversation, Jason's gaze drifted towards the kitchen.

      "Have any beer?"

Faith eyed him curiously. "Yeah, are you OK?" she asked while moving to the kitchen with Jason behind.

     "Yeah...yeah, I er— I just need to talk to you is all," he said, sitting behind the counter.

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