04|Her. She's the one

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They both arrived at the law firm, under minutes, Daniel's hands wrapped protectively around Faith's shoulders as they walked

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They both arrived at the law firm, under minutes, Daniel's hands wrapped protectively around Faith's shoulders as they walked.

       "I can't believe this is it!" Faith beamed, with a wide grin.

Daniel reassuringly squeezed her shoulders. "You better believe it baby," he softly said, reaching down to place a small kiss on the top of her head.

They strutted to Jason's office on the fourth floor of the building. It wasn't until a year ago, did Jason venture in the court room. He had his practical studies in the profession, but at one point, was more enthused about managing a business rather that fighting cases.

    However, his long lost passion for helping out others, was rekindled when he formed a relationship with Faith. She had often questioned him on the subject, saying he would be a good lawyer, because he had a good heart and could talk a lot. He had laughed at that, but further contemplated on the possibility of doing what he really set out to do in the first place.

Now here he was, the owner of a budding law firm that improved on it's quality on a daily basis.

Faith slightly knocked on the door, peaking around to find him at his desk with his head basically buried in paperwork.

    "Hey, big head!" she whisper-yelled, shooting him a grin.

He looked up, a grin instantly smearing his face as he quickly took off his glasses.

    "You're here," he said as he rose from his chair, immediately moving around his desk to address her.

Daniel stepped in and Jason seemingly slowed his pace, the smile slightly fading. He nevertheless approached Faith and enclosed her in warm hug, breathing in the scent of her much favored, vanilla perfume. Her hair smelled like fresh peaches and so did her skin, as far as he could tell from her exposed neck. Her entire body seemed edible, he thought but scolded himself before his mind had a chance to expand on the thought.

She pulled apart, smiling up at him, with her blue eyes, so filled with so much happiness it was unexplainable. She had patted a little makeup on, although was never a real fan of it. Jason noticed, although any man would, if they knew Faith. It gave her a gently glow, adding to beauty that was astounding with or without. With her smile, she looked like a teenager...a happy one.

Daniel cleared his throat. "So, is everything ready?" he asked, wanting to have Jason's attention.

  He quickly scratched the back of his neck, clearing his throat in the process. "Yes, my secretary is getting the boardroom ready as we speak. The candidates have arrived and well...my secretary is organizing everything so we can begin," he informed, noticing the gleam that lighted up her eyes.

    "Perfect!" Daniel exclaimed cheerfully, turning to Faith to plant a firm kiss on her lips.

Jason immediately averted his gaze, forcing a smile, before he moved to his desk.

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