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Daniel smiled smugly, seeing the surprised expression on Lilly's face, and since that was his plan, he was happy it worked

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Daniel smiled smugly, seeing the surprised expression on Lilly's face, and since that was his plan, he was happy it worked. He didn't waste anytime as he quickly pulled her in his arms and closed his eyes, inhaling the familiar scent of her.

       "I missed you," he said, kissing the side of her head before they broke apart.

      "I've missed you too. God, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Lilly asked, punching him lightly on the arm.

He chuckled. "I wanted to surprise you," he said as he entered and closed the door behind him.

     "That you definitely did," she said, watching as his eyes lowered to her abdomen.

His smile was wide as he stooped and held her waist. "So you're really pregnant? There's actually a little person in there," he said in awe, gently kissing her stomach.

     "Well I don't know if its a little person just yet but this is really happening babe," she said, using her hands to caress Daniel's head.

He stood and held her face in his hands. "At the end of this, we're not only going to be rich, but we're gonna have our baby," he exclaimed joyfully.

Lilly nodded agreeable. "Yes," she said, descending her lips to his, feeling the familiar sensation that always erupted within her at his touch. She pulled apart, noticing the slight change. "Why the beard though?"

     "I decided on a new look  and it'll be harder for anyone to notice me," he said running his fingers along the thick mass of dark brown beard. His hair had grown a bit more too.

    "Makes sense, but I can't say I'm particular fond of it," she commented with a slight frown.

He chuckled. "You'll get used to it."

Lilly moved towards the sofa and took a seat. "Now, tell me how you got here," she said, patting the empty space beside her as an indication for him to come sit.

Daniel sighed. "I called up your cousin, Monty and informed him of the trouble I was in. I gave him the full details and he decided to help me out."

    "Where's he now?"

    "He checked into a hotel not too long ago. He was more than willing to play the part of your fiancé if need be. Anything he could do to help – his words," he grinned.

Lilly nodded, remembering the lie she had told Faith of her engagement. She now saw where it could come in handy, especially with Mary on her back.

     "When the time comes, I'll need his help. Faith's mother has her eyes on me, I don't want her to suspect anything."

Daniel's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Lilly sighed. "At the dinner she made it clear that if I hurt her daughter, I'll have her to deal with."

Daniel scoffed. "That woman is always suspicious of something or someone. You know black people and their melodramatic selves; all bark and no bite."

Lilly smirked. "I guess you're right, but I still need to keep an eye out."

Daniel nodded and reached for her with a deep sigh. "Now enough about all that, I've missed you and I have a good reason to celebrate right now." He kissed her and lilly slowly eased back on the sofa, preparing herself for his seductive attentions.


The following morning, Jason was leaving the bathroom, while Faith got ready for work. Her leave of absence was up and it was time for her to get back into the working world. She knew it would be hard to manage with Lilly now pregnant, but she was willing to endure it even though she knew she had Jason for emotional support.
    He immediately came up behind her and kissed her on the cheek, his aftershave taking her senses by storm as well as his touch. Faith moaned and turned towards him with a smile in place, hands wrapped around his neck.

     "Mmm, thank you for staying the night last night," she said.

Jason pulled her closer. "No problem, I like spending the nights with you in my arms."

Faith grinned, "I bet you do."

  Jason chuckled. "I can come over again tonight if you'd like," he rose a brow saying.

   Faith smiled and for a brief second, a pang of guilt overcame her. She moved towards the bed and sat, reaching for her shoes.

     "Hey what's wrong?" Jason asked in confusion. "Did I say something wrong?"

   Faith sighed and looked up at him. "I... I don't want to make it seem as if we're moving too fast for you–"

    "Hey," he stooped and held her hands. "The pace is perfect. Don't worry about it."

Faith gave a brief smile. "I don't want to drag you into all this, Jase. Things will get complicated and I don't want it to ruin what we have."

Jason understood fully well what she meant but he was ready to make it clear that, that wasn't the case.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I want to do this. I want to be by your side through it all and I don't want you to doubt that for one second," he exclaimed while making eye contact.

She smiled and his heart gently eased in relief. Hugging him, her grip indicated how thankful she was for him. "Thank you. I appreciate it more than you can ever know," she muttered, feeling secured by the firmness of his hold.

     "Don't mention it," he said, pulling away to tenderly kiss her on her lips. "We're in this together, right."

She nodded strongly. "Mmhm."

Jason grinned and stood. "Now come on, you don't want to be late for your first day back at work."


Author's note:

Hey guys, more updates to come so stay tuned!
What do you think will happen here on after? Leave your thoughts via comments plz?!

Who's excited for Christmas?!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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