9|Have you been playing me all this time?

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After the visit to the clinic, the remainder of the day had been spent with endless conversations with Daniel, Faith and Lily discussing everything that basically came to their minds

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After the visit to the clinic, the remainder of the day had been spent with endless conversations with Daniel, Faith and Lily discussing everything that basically came to their minds. Jason had left for work after Faith had came out smiling like mad.

Now, in the confines of their apartment - Faith making dinner while Daniel sat by the counter watching - they sat in silence with the exception of the clinking of utensils. Faith busied herself with the cooking, wanting to avoid any possible conversation about the marriage, she knew would eventually resurface.
It wasn't that she wasn't contented with the whole thing, but she at times found Daniel's rant tiring. He was either making big plans about the marriage ceremony or the honeymoon, which Faith simply found farfetched because she knew that based on their financial limitations, they were both incapable of relishing in such fantasies.

Regardless of the love she felt for Daniel, something else was more important to her at the moment and that was her baby. Anything else that would deem itself as a possible barrier would have to wait. At least for now anyway.

Daniel was nibbling on a piece of Lickerish twist when he finally decided that the silence was getting unnerving.

"What do you think about Lily moving closer?" he asked, seeing the way Faith stopped in the process of making her stew.

"Moving closer?" her brows knitted in curiosity.

"Yeah, I mean it would be a lot easier in terms of traveling and us, keeping an eye on her. There's an empty apartment area in the building," he shrugged, chewing on the sweet while looking at Faith.

She stood there in contemplation, pondering on his words and the possibility of it. It wouldn't be so bad, she thought as she drove into deep thought. It would actually be better when it came to certain expenses like traveling, doctor visits and counseling sessions. They could even car pool sometimes, she thought contentedly.

"Yeah, it actually sounds great."

He beamed, a smile adorning his face. "Great."

* * * *

The following day, when Daniel left for work, Faith did her household chores and got ready for lunch with Jason. She missed working at the car mart; she had worked there for years and had finally decided to take a leave of absence when she had opted for the whole surrogacy process. She somewhat dreaded and missed going back to work at the same time, because on one hand, she was able to concentrate on her life and on the other hand, when things had gotten boring at home, she wished she had work.

But her wish would come true soon because she had only a month left until her free time would come to an end.

She took a taxi to a small café in town, seeing Jason's wave as soon as she entered. She smiled as she approached him, taking a thorough glance of his attire; he was it suit, freshly shaven and looking like the professional he was.

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