05|It's Official

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They sat in the conference room for about an hour, discussing every possible thing that came to mind

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They sat in the conference room for about an hour, discussing every possible thing that came to mind. They laughed, they joked and they conversed like long lost friends. Both Faith and Daniel had smiles on their faces for the whole time, seemingly entranced my the woman who they thought were simply perfect.

Lilly repetitively spoke of how lucky she was to find such a perfect couple on her first try. She was beaming, contentedness evident in her pale blue eyes.

Faith was telling Lilly about how she met Daniel, when Jason reentered the room with another man by his side. The man's expression was stern, and his face held lines which one would assume that he was around fifty years old. His domineering stance indicated that he was a man who exuded power wherever he went.

Faith's brow rose when Lilly stood. Seeing the confusion, Lilly looked from the man to Faith.

"This is my lawyer, Rowan Vaz," she announced with a warming smile.

Faith and Daniel immediately stood, reaching out to the man with outstretched hands.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," she smiled, firmly shaking his hand and watching as Daniel did the same with a curt nod.

"Well, let's get down to business, shall we?" Jason exclaimed as he moved to take a seat.

Every one sat as both Jason and Mr. Vaz explained the intricacies of the surrogacy procedure. Although Faith had thoroughly researched and educated herself on the matter, she was still reminded of certain protocols to consider during the surrogacy process.
Since they had opt for gestational surrogacy - using her egg and Daniel's sperm - they had been reminded that the baby would be biologically related to the two intended partners and would hold no biological connection to Lilly, whatsoever. The process of implanting the sperm and egg into Lilly's embryo would be achieved by a process called 'In vitro fertilization (IVF)' which is the intended medical procedure for the succession of the process.
Both Felix and Vaz was vivid in explaining the legal and monetary compensation Lilly would need, which included her medical expenses, travel, counseling etc.

But it seemed nothing mattered to Faith at that moment, because she was concocting images of how her baby would look like once everything was done with. The surrealism of the whole experience had her heart soaring, a smile set on her face as a means of communication for her unfathomable joy.

That smile broadened when Daniel reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Looking into his eyes, she could also see the happiness that swam in it. Ever since they met, couple months in the relationship he had been insistent about starting a family with Faith, but when the dreaded truth of Faith's inability to conceive presented itself, it had broke his heart but still, he hadn't been willing to give up on his dream or his future with her.

Now, here they were, staring into the face of the woman who would grant them both a joy that was undescribable.

"A medical examination can take place in a few days to clarify the candidate's fitness, after which the IVF can take place," Mr Vaz spoke, his voice like thunder.

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