16| A proposition

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Heeding Lilly's advice, Daniel mustered within himself, enough courage to approach Faith

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Heeding Lilly's advice, Daniel mustered within himself, enough courage to approach Faith. After all, he couldn't lose her and he most definitely couldn't lose Faith. And so he sighed heavily upon reaching the front door, pondering on the events of the day and thinking how out of control things had gotten.
It was obvious 'normal' had become farfetched but it was nevertheless something he had to aim for even when the task would prove difficult. On one hand there was Lilly and on the other there was Faith, and Daniel knew the two would be rewarding if he played his cards right.

He huffed out one final breath before he went in, feeling like he was on the verge of fighting a losing battle, but he was prepared to put up a fight.
All that courage however, seemingly went with the wind when he went in and saw her on the couch, eyes red and puffy, face flustered as she gazed up at him. Her evident sadness had him at a pause as he stood there in the room, frozen at one spot as he stared into her saddened eyes.

He swallowed hard and took a step forward, his eyes still dangling with hers. "Faith..." he stopped himself and glanced down to the blank floor, wondering what words would be suitable enough to say.

She immediately stood with a sniff. "I'm sorry you had to see that earlier," her soft voice came which had Daniel looking up. "I wish I could say it was nothing but..."

His thoughts grew frantic at the suspected turn. "Faith it's OK," he quickly put in, almost startling himself and Faith.

Her brows knitted. "I don't think it is."

Daniel quickly moved towards her, holding her hands in his. "I'm willing to forget everything if you are."


"Look I- I know I screwed up- I've been screwing up lately but I'm willing to make this work for us."

Faith stood in silence as she slowly began to recognise the magnitude of her confusion. The man she had been madly in love with weeks ago was now in front of her and yet words failed her because she knew they wouldn't be what he wanted to hear.

"I love you Faith and I know that this baby will make it even stronger. I already know in my heart that we'll be a wonderful family and I know you do too...so please."

Without knowing what to say, Faith blurted something completely unrelated to the conversation.

"I...I think I need a shower," she said which had Daniels eyes going wide for a brief second.

"Sure, all the time you need," he managed a smile, watched as she smiled awkwardly before she left the room.

Daniel sighed and rolled his eyes as he retrieved his phone from his pocket. A message from Lilly was immediately popped up on the screen.

How's it going? It read.

Working on it. He quickly replied before shoving it back into his pocket.

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