02|Excited for...

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    Faith heaved a disjointed sigh, leaning against her car seat and staring ahead as she contemplated on her earlier reaction

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    Faith heaved a disjointed sigh, leaning against her car seat and staring ahead as she contemplated on her earlier reaction. Maybe she was being dramatic and not clearly seeing why Kaylyn had said the things she had, but how could she not think Daniel was the right guy? Well, she hadn't said those words exactly, but to Faith it meant the same thing.
     Danny was the best guy she'd ever dated, he ticked all the boxes and Faith didn't doubt their love for a second, so how could Kaylyn? She sighed in utter frustration before starting the car to head home. Her mind was made up and she was going to get that baby through surrogacy, no matter what anyone thought.

With a huff, Faith drove home, intent on seeing the one person that could take her mind off things.


When she got home, Daniel wasn't at home, and so Faith, being plagued with boredom, wandered aimlessly around the house, trying to find something that would get her mind off things. She picked up a magazine to read, but all she could see was blank words. Her mind failed to make sense of them; Faith flung the book to one side of the room before groaning in frustration.

    A knock came at her door and she quickly bounded from the sofa, immediately moving towards the door. She opened it to find a smiling Jason.

      "Oh, it's you," she said lamely, pushing the door open a bit wider and waltzing back towards the sofa.

     "Well, it's nice to see you too Faith," Jason chuckled, using his foot to kick the door shut, seeing that his hands were occupied with takeouts.

     "What brings you here?" Faith asked, plopping down on the sofa and reaching for the remote.

     "I was at Jojo's party and Kaylyn told me you left upset so I decided to come try and cheer you up," he informed, placing the bags filled with Chinese food on the coffee table. "I brought your favorite," he beamed.

    "I'm fine and I'm not hungry," she pouted, switching channels aimlessly.

    Jason grabbed the remote, turned off the TV and turned to Faith. "You're not, mind telling me what's up?"

Faith rolled her eyes, reaching for the bags as she began to rummage through. "Yes, I do mind," she quipped.

There was a moment of silence as Jason waited for Faith to spill the beans. She was always bad at keeping grudges and Jason had found that out a year into their friendship. It seemed frequent visits to Matthew's and kaylyn's house formed new relationships.

     "Kaylyn thinks my surrogacy is a bad idea," she blurted.

A brow shot up. "Did she say that?"

Faith spared him a glance. "No but she could have might as well say it. She asked if Daniel was the right guy for me to do such a big thing with," she sighed.

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