15|Deceptive Daniel

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         The look on Lilly's face was one of pure confusion as she gazed at an angry Daniel

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         The look on Lilly's face was one of pure confusion as she gazed at an angry Daniel. Judging by the look on his face, she knew it wasn't good. Her heart fluttered.

      "What the hell is going on?" she demanded eagerly.

      "You wanna know what's going on?" he asked rhetorically. "What's going on is, Faith and Jason has been hooking up for God knows how long and it might just come back to bite us in the asses!"

Lilly's eyes grew wide. "What the hell do you mean?"

     Daniel raked a hand through his thick mass of strawberry blonde hair. "I— I found them in an intimate position less than an hour ago," he informed calmly.

Lilly swallowed. "What did they say?"

     "Jason left and Faith was a mess. She couldn't deny it!" he exclaimed hysterically.

Lilly instantly began to pace the room, leaving Daniel nervous. "You had one thing to do and you couldn't even do it properly," she sneered.

     "How am I to blame?" he asked disbelievingly.

      "All you had to do was make her love you—"

     "And I was doing just fine until Jason came into the picture," Daniel defended heatedly.

     Lilly scoffed. "Jason was always in the picture. You screwed up!"

Daniel wanted to further defend himself but he decided to keep his mouth shut. "What do we do now?"

Lilly laughed dryly. "We? We aren't going to do anything. You are going to waltz your worthless ass back in that house and you're gonna comfort her, apologize even and you're gonna show her how much you care because if you think all this is going to come to a halting crash, you better think again," she quipped bitterly.

Daniel nodded like the obedient little puppy he was. "Fine."

   Lilly smiled wryly. "Good. Now, how did the interview with Mayhew go?"

      "He ah— he said he'd give me a call," he managed a smile. "If I get the job Faith will at least be convinced that I'm trying and judging by how the whole meeting went, Matthew too."

Feeling like he had accomplished something great, Daniel smiled proudly but Lilly on the other hand, was not the least bit enthused.

     "Don't smile at your problems you fool!"

     "How is this a problem?" Daniel asked, befuddled by her argument.

     "Don't go thinking Matthew Mayhew likes you. He'll go babbling off his mouth as soon as he reaches home. That bitch of a wife he has doesn't like you so don't be surprised if you don't get that job," she exclaimed gravely.

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