11|Shades of Daniel

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The day came for Lilly's procedure, which involved the implantation of the harvested embryo into her uterus

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The day came for Lilly's procedure, which involved the implantation of the harvested embryo into her uterus. Luckily for the couple, they had received information prior to today, informing them that a few egg were fertilized and so they would continue with the remaining procedures. All seemed jolly - Lilly, Faith and Daniel - as they entered the building; Faith's hand latched in Daniel's as they both smiled at each other.

While they waited for the Doctor to attend to them, they all sat, talking about everything that came to mind. Lilly claimed she was nervous but the smile she was sporting did not give such impression. Faith on the other hand, was feeling sweaty, her hands gone clammy while her heart could no longer sustain a normalized beat. She managed to laugh at the jokes she got from her companions but really wished things would be over with.

"So Silas is coming home in a couple of months. I wonder how he'll react after knowing all this," Lilly exclaimed when silence threatened to make itself known.

Both heads shifted in her direction. "Who's Silas?" Faith and Daniel both asked in unison, gazes skeptical.

Lilly's mouth fell open. "Oh, didn't I tell you guys?" she asked blankly, looking apologetic. "He's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Faith blurted disbelievingly. "You have a boyfriend?"

Lilly swallowed. "Oh is that a problem. I swear, it slipped my mind and I didn't think it would pose a problem," she said looking at the two surprised persons.

Faith glanced at Daniel before she vigorously shook her head, the action evidence of how she felt. "It's no problem at all, just took me a bit by surprise is all, right Daniel?"

Daniel shrugged, a smile gracing his face. "No problem at all. I just hope he's a good person."

Lilly smiled sweetly, relief gracing her face. "He is and he is actually in Canada doing the ground breaking for another business he plans to set up," she informed, pride in every syllable of the words she spoke.

"That's great," Faith said. "When did you say he'll be back?" She was curious to know if this man would be back in time to cause any possible trouble, especially on the basis that he had no knowledge of the drastic changes that had taken place in his girlfriend's life. And Faith had no knowledge of whom he really was.

"Maybe in a few months, I'm not so sure," she glanced at Faith and must have seen the look on her face. She continued. "But I assure you, he'll be absolutely fine with it so don't worry," she smiled and Faith smiled back.


A lengthy silence passed between them before a man in a lab coat approached with a clipboard in hand and a smile on his face.

They greeted each other until the Doctor directed them into a room, Daniel deciding to wait outside.


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