20| A lover and a hater

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      Faith stretched and released a soft groan, opening her eyes to the light of day

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      Faith stretched and released a soft groan, opening her eyes to the light of day. She felt good and with each movement she was beautifully reminded of what had transpired the previous night.
     She immediately glanced at the empty spot on the bed, a knot  forming in the pit of her stomach when she realised he was gone. But she didn't get the chance to express feelings of regret because a throat cleared and as Faith bolted upright in fright, she saw Jason at the foot on the bed, trousers on but chest bare.

     "You thought I left didn't you?" he asked as he moved towards her, a smile in place.

He sat next to her, his intentions made clear as he leaned in his head and stared at her lips.

      "I hoped you didn't," she whispered, watching as his lips moved closer.

     "Good," he said as he got up, purposely missing her lips by a mere inch.

      "Punk," Faith murmured, watching as Jason flashed her a grin.

     "If you must know, I was preparing you breakfast," he informed as he moved towards her with a platter in hand.

Faith rose an impressed brow. "Breakfast in bed. Aren't you the charmer."

She took a bite of the crispy fried bacon before further indulging in the perfectly made coffee. She glanced up to see him studying her face, waiting for a comment on his culinary skills.

      "This is good. I didn't know you could actually cook," she said, finding it strange that it wasn't a known fact during their years of friendship.

      "Well I don't do it much. Take out is much easier."

Faith took a bit of the crispy buttered toast. "Is there some other skill you possess that I don't know about?"

He smiled cunningly. "Definitely, I have a few more up my sleeves where you're concerned." He took the tray, placing it on the bedside table.

     "Now I think the chef deserves a kiss for all the hard work he's done."

     "Of course," she answered with a smile, watching as his lips descended but before they could touch, she rolled off the bed and grinned at him, reiterating his earlier trick.

    "But you'll have to catch me first," she teased, arms crossed, waiting for him to charge and when he did, she ran around the house giggling, Jason chasing her.


By the time Daniel relayed everything to Lilly over the phone, she was fuming – unable to believe that Faith had gotten the upper hand and Daniel had let them have it.

     "What the hell is going to happen now?" She hissed.

    "Just sit tight, when is your next doctor's visit?"

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