7|This is what you want, right?

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Faith wasn't quite sure when the words had left her lips, but she knew enough to know that they were out, and Daniel was smiling broadly and hugging her tightly which left her with no choice but to smile.
         She couldn't quite understand the newly formed numbness that had seeped its way into her body and crippled her thoughts. She couldn't quite understand why she wasn't jumping to the heavens and touching the clouds, because really, such a declaration from a man she claimed to love, would have prompted such an act. Faith thought it was quite ludicrous, the emotions she felt. Rather than feeling overjoyed, she felt conflicted in that very spot, not knowing why or how, when the man of her dreams had asked the question any woman in love, dreamt of.

       She glanced at Daniel, finding his grin quite satisfying, as his eyes smiled also. It was evident he was happy and hearing the approving muttering and exclamations of joy around her, Faith pondered on the possibility of shock demobilizing her joy. After all, happiness was the only emotion she should be feeling right now, right?

She began to ask herself the question but didn't get to the answers, because she realized she needed to get back to reality and drown herself in the surrealism of the experience.
   Mary, hugged her after Daniel was done showering her with acts of affection. She squeeze her tightly and kissed her on the cheek, pulling apart to give her a look that faith knew too well. It was the one she would always give when Faith went out with friends as a child, or when she knew she was treading deep waters.

Be careful.

Though Faith questioned the look, she knew her mother was always the type to exaggerate and think the worst in most situations. But Mary smiled from ear to ear, looking like any mother would in this given situation.
     "Congratulations!" Lily squealed, quickly hugging Faith before moving on to Daniel.

      "Congratulations Faith, may God have mercy on poor Daniel," Matthew teased, opening his arms for a hug and laughing when faith playfully punched him on the arm. Faith expressed her thanks as she hugged him, looking over Matthew's shoulders to see the sheepish grin smearing kaylyn's face.

Faith could see that she was anxiously awaiting her hug and so as soon as she parted with Matthew, she went straight for her best friend, smile broadening at the squeal that was emitted from kaylyn's lips.

        "I'm so happy for you, I'm already planning the wedding in my head!" She was exclaimed, feeling the vibrations of Faith's laugh against her.

They pulled apart and Faith stood, beaming at Kaylyn with a smile on her face and words restricted from her lips. Seeing her suspicious stance, Kaylyn took a moment to carefully scrutinize her best friend. Her brows knitted at the enigmatic look that was evident on her beautiful face.

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