The Guardian Ceremony

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does.

7th Century B.C.

Some Time at Night

??? POV:

'Today is the day' I thought to myself as the rest of the newly trained Guardians and I walk down the streets of Olympus. I look to my right and I see my closest friend looking around admiring the city of the gods.

We reach the throne room doors and I look at my friend.

"You ready Phoenix?" I ask him and he smiles and nods

"As ready as ever, I just hope I don't get pared with Demeter... she will hate my guts just because of my father..." Phoenix replies and I chuckle as I push the doors open and walk in

I look around and notice all the Olympians, Hestia, and Hades present. I walk to the center of the throne room and kneel, the other guardians and Phoenix following my example.

"Rise future guardians of Olympus." Zeus announces and we all stand up. "Today is a very special day for all of us present. These guardians have been training since they were able to hold a sword to protect each of us, and today they learn who their charges will be!" Zeus smiles kindly before a black portal opens next to me and a man with eyes showing galaxies walks out of the portal.

Everyone in the throne room bows to the man as he holds up his hand.

"How many times do I have to say that I don't like being bowed to?" Chaos says as he turns towards the rest of the guardians and me. "Guardians, I am here to announce your charges. Remember, you are to protect them to your dying breath" to this we all nod and Chaos smiles.

"Lord Chaos, may I make a suggestion?" Hera said and Chaos nodded "I believe we should announce the Guardians for Hestia and Hades first since Hestia is the one who keeps the peace between the council, and Hades is a guest here."

Hestia and Hades both looked at Hera in shock before they both smiled.

"I think that is a good idea Hera, thank you." Chaos said and smiled at us "the Guardian for Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home, will be Phoenix Firestorm!" Phoenix stands up and walks over to the hearth and bows to Hestia

"Lady Hestia, it is an honor to be your Guardian." Phoenix says as Hestia holds a sword hilt first to him

Phoenix takes the sword and it glows faintly before returning to normal. He sheathes the sword and I watch as Hestia blesses Phoenix.

"You now have control over all aspects of the hearth, but I will let you figure out what those abilities are." Hestia says and Phoenix nods and sits down next to Hestia

Chaos watches the whole ordeal with a slightly amused look on his face. Once it's over he looks at the guardians and sighs.

"This is going to be a long day..." Chaos says before continuing "The Guardian for Hades, God of the Underworld, is Jade Cobalt" A girl stands up and smiles at Hades before walking over and taking her seat next to him

(Time skip to the last charge announcement)

"And finally, or Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, and Virginity, we have Perseus Achilles Jackson" Chaos says and I glance over at Artemis and she is glaring at me

I stand up, walk over and bow to her.

"It is an Honor to serve you mi' lady" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Just try and keep up 'boy', And you should know that I don't need protecting, but I guess I don't have a choice in the matter" Artemis says and I sigh

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