Cruel Labor

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does.

Percy's POV:

After Phoenix took off and Artemis and Hestia went to go talk, I climbed a tree so I could keep a look out over camp until sunrise when I would start my life of being a sla-- 'Guardian' of the hunt. I watched as the hunters all went into their tents after everything had settled down, and when I didn't see anything moving I decided to get to work on sharpening arrows, since I had almost all night to work on them.

'I wonder what Phoenix is doing right now...' I think to myself as I find the armory tent

When I walk in I look around and I notice a stack of used arrows at least 6 feet high and 6 feet wide. Sighing I grab a whetstone, walk over to the stack and see a sled underneath the stack of arrows. I grab the rope that's connected to the sled and I pull it out of the tent to a nearby secluded area.

"This is as good as I'm going to get I suppose" I say aloud as I grab a handful of arrows and sit down and start sharpening them

(Several hours later)

As I finish sharpening the last arrow, I look up and notice that the sun was rising. I curse myself mentally before I stand up and put the arrow on the sled with the rest. I pick up the rope and I drag the arrows back to the hunters' camp. When I enter the camp, I notice Artemis looking around before her eyes land on me with a look of disdain. I keep moving toward the armory tent, where I drop the arrows off before walking over to Artemis.

"Where have you been 'boy'? You were supposed to make breakfast for everyone an hour ago!" Artemis growled

"I am sorry Mi' Lady, but I lost track of time when I was sharpening the Hunt's arrows." I say in a monotone before I look at the hunters "And what will everyone want for Breakfast?"

The huntress with the circlet glares at me.

"Nothing from you 'boy', You'd probably poison the food" the Huntress said and the rest nodded their heads in agreement, except for Artemis that is

"Very well" I state before I turn to Artemis "I will continue with my chores Mi' Lady" with that I bow slightly and walk to where I see a large bag of clothes

"What do you think you're doing 'boy'?" I hear a huntress say

"My job. If you have an issue with it, bring it up with Artemis, and if you still have an issue with it. Talk to Chaos" I say flatly before I grab the bag of clothes and haul it over my shoulder and walk to the closest stream

When I get to the stream I put the clothes down and I start separating them out, being careful to not touch the undergarments.

'I'll have to ask Artemis what to do with those I guess...' I think to myself as I toss all of the blouses into the stream and start washing them

I will the water to soak into the fabric of the clothing items before I create a mini whirlpool which helps wash away all the dirt and other stains that were on the clothes. After a few minutes I will the whirlpool to stop and use the currents to move the clothes away. I kneel down and I notice that some of the clothes still have stains.

"I guess these need to be hand washed as well." I sigh and throw the Hunter's leggings into the stream and start the Whirlpool up again

As the whirlpool washes the leggings, I grab a blouse and I start hand washing it. After a few minutes, I look over the blouse and I see that its stain free. I move the blouse over to the side but keep it in the stream as I hand wash the rest of the blouses.

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