You may be 'Hot' but I'm Cool

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Artemis' POV:

'Notch, Draw, Release, Repeat' I said to myself as I rode my chariot around the storm giant. I continued to fire energy filled shots that seemed to do incredible damage to the big bastard.

"Artemis! Hit his wrist!" I heard my half-brother Dionysus yell and when I look at the new target I see his guardian Shane stuck in the giant's grip

I quickly notched an arrow and fired it at Typhon's wrist causing him to drop the guardian who fell into Apollo's Chariot where Justice was. As soon as Shane landed in his chariot, Justice started healing her fellow guardian as Apollo flew away. However, Typhon changed target and focused on me, I only had a moment to maneuver my chariot out of the way of a massive hand that attempted to knock me out of the air. As I ducked I noticed the sky darken and I when I looked up, I saw a lunar eclipse and I smiled widely at the event knowing full well who was behind it.

"Artemis! Focus!" I heard Dionysus yell as my chariot was suddenly shoved to the side as my half-brother took my place as a giant hand swung down and knocked him out of the sky

I winced as I knew he wouldn't be getting up from that soon. Then a small amount of guilt flooded my emotions, while he may be a filthy male, he was still my brother, and it was my fault he was hit. I steeled myself as I focused on the task at hand, I notched an arrow and poured my power over the moon into my new bow and I smiled as it glowed a bright silver causing the arrow to glow a dangerous silver as I fired it at Typhon's face causing the giant to stumble back a bit.

"That was for hurting my family, no matter how annoying and disgusting they may be" I shouted as I fired more arrows trying to keep the giant back 'I hope Percy is doing alright'

Percy's POV:

'Instinct go with Phoenix, take our bow' I say mentally to Instinct who nods as he leaves my mind and takes the bow with him

'Phoenix, Instinct is going to be with you so when I say the command you both will unload as many arrows into Typhon as possible' I said to Phoenix telepathically who smirked as he put his helmet on and summoned his wings before taking off toward the battle

I then had an idea as I walked over to my father's throne and climbed onto it.

"Percy, what are you doing?" Zoe asked and I smirked at her

"Calling in backup" I say as I sat in the throne

Suddenly, a massive pressure entered my mind but I fought it off.

"WHO DARE... Percy what in the name of my brother are you doing on my throne?" Poseidon asked in a slightly angry tone

"Hey dad, the gods need help fighting Typhon" I say and Poseidon rubs his face

"I don't know where you get your recklessness from, but anyway, I can't just leave my domain to be controlled by Oceanus" he said and my eye twitched

"You can, you just don't want to, Olympus is your home! If it's not protected then you lose your power to your domain. Because, even if I defeat Kronos, if Typhon isn't defeated then we will still lose this war" I growl and Poseidon sighs but is suddenly pushed out of the way by Melody

"Milord, let me handle this, you have troops to command" She said and my father nodded as he walked out of ear shot, then Melody turned to me and glared "Perseus, you can't just ask your father to abandon this war, I mean seriously we just got the arcade to work underwater..." she said and I growled more

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