Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does
A few hours later
Percy's POV:
I watched as the combined forces of New Rome and Camp Half Blood gathered at the Parthenon looking confused. I was still in my roman armor with Midgard around my neck and the able bodied guardians at my sides, and Zain right next to me. Once everyone was gathered Phoenix stepped forward and everyone quieted down.
"Friends, soldiers, and angry hunters, today is the day where we fight for our futures" Phoenix said uncertainly and I stepped forward in front of him
"Let me handle this" I said calmly as I faced the large force "Yes, hello, I know many of you might not know me, but my name is John Sycamore. We have been fighting for three days now, and I know you are all tired and beat up, but we can't let the enemy win! If we do that then all that we have fought for will be for naught. I know some of you want to sit down and let fate take its course and I agree sometimes I wish I could do that, but now is not the time! And I say this, not to try to rally your spirits but to preach the truth. Outside this city is a force much stronger than anything we have faced, bolstered by the earth mother Gaea the giants may seem unstoppable, but that is untrue, with the help of the gods the giants can, and will be killed" I say loudly and I hear murmurs of agreement "So it is with this that I ask that we put aside our personal loathing, that we cast aside our doubts in this war because this is no place for that. No, this is a place for warriors that have no doubt in their mind that they will win. Those giants are nothing compared to what we can do together! We have come up with a plan so stupid its brilliant, I want everyone to stay here and wait for the giants to arrive. The reason why the guardians were captured was because they were out numbered, but if we fight here, where they are all together I have no doubt that we will over come this enemy!" I said and everyone cheered half heartedly 'Damn they are not confident in this, time to pull out the big guns' I thought to myself as I looked everyone "Who here was friends with Percy Jackson?" I asked and most of everyone raised their hands "Well he sacrificed himself to close the doors of death, are you going to let his sacrifice be in vain? He threw himself into Tartarus for you all to have a chance at winning" I shouted and the fifth looked up at me "Yeah that's right, Percy Jackson died protecting Olympus, he was tortured relentlessly not giving a damn piece of information about the forces that believed in him. Fight on in his memory, don't give a damn inch of this ground to the giants because Percy would have fought till his dying breath!" By this point the fifth were roaring in approval which was slowly causing everyone else to feel the same "He wasn't perfect, we all know that but if one thing was certain he loved his friends and family, to go through so much torture that would cause a rock to cry, and to smile through it before dying, that is true dedication, so in this battle, lets honor our fallen comrade by fighting for him, to have him be remembered for all time!" I shouted and the romans and greeks roared in agreement
'You just boosted your own ego' Midgard said and I shook my head
"No, I just said what needed to be said. Besides, Percy did die, he died the moment he killed Tartarus, I am Lunar" I whispered to him as I felt the ground tremble as the opposing army marched into view
"Well well well, have you all decided that you wanted to surrender? I am afraid that it is too late for that mortals" Porphyrion said and I laughed
"Porphyrion, shove that spear up your ass, it will prepare you for the amount of pain we will inflict upon it" I taunted and Porphyrion's face turned red at the insult
"For that, you will all die" He said as the sky above us opened and several beams of light shot down and collided with the ground as the gods arrived in full battle armor

Lunar's Plight
FanficGuardians are meant to protect their charges to their dying breath, but what if that guardian is known for doing the impossible? Find out by reading Lunar's Plight!