Crescent Blade

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Note: Please make sure to leave a comment on who I should pair Reyna with. I don't want her to be alone. #LoveForRey

Percy's POV:

We appear outside of the empire state building and Phoenix walks in with me still holding the Moonlace and sword pieces. I watch as Phoenix walks up to the man at the desk and holds out his hand.

"Key to the 600th floor please" Phoenix says patiently and the guy doesn't even look up

"There is no 600th floor. Go bug someone else" the guy says as he turns the page of the book he's reading

"Look idiot, if you don't remember, I am Phoenix, the hearth's rage. Do you REALLY want to piss me off?" Phoenix says calmly as he draws his sword and puts it on the counter for the guy to see

The guy sees the blade and I swear I saw him gulp as his face paled. I watched as he hands Phoenix a key to the elevator and he motions me to follow him. I chuckle as Phoenix reaches the elevator as he sheathes his sword. We step in and Phoenix inserts the keycard and a button appears off to the side of the floor numbers.

"You can do the Honors Perseus" Phoenix says overdramatically and I roll my eyes as I press the button

As the elevator doors close and it starts moving up, the song 'I'm Coming Home' by Diddy starts playing and I start laughing.

"Well, that's funny. It's like Olympus knows you're coming" Phoenix says after he regains his composure as the elevator doors open to Olympus "Hey, Perseus"

"Yeah?" I ask as Phoenix takes the flowers and the sword items and puts them into a backpack that he put on his back

"Wanna race to Hephaestus' palace?" Phoenix says with a glint of mischief in his eyes and I smile slyly

"You're on, but no powers. Flat out normal sprinting." I say and we both take a step out of the elevator and get into position

"Of course, or I would make you eat my dust" Phoenix says and I roll my eyes

"Yeah right, when I learn how to use that skill we are racing again" I reply and Phoenix nods

"On Three" Phoenix starts but then pauses for a moment "Three!"

With that we both take off sprinting at full speed. We raced down the main road, dodging minor gods and leaping over benches that were strewn about. Phoenix made a right and I kept following him. I saw that he had pushed me into a crowd of people and I smirked as I didn't slow down, even though I was heading straight for a woman who was buying something from a vender.

"Good Luck Perseus!" Phoenix says as he just runs around and I laugh as I get closer to the woman

"Excuse me ma'am! Can you jump like right now!" I yell as I drop to the ground in a slide at the very last second causing the minor goddess to squeal as she jumped out of my way

As soon as I past the woman I put my feet flat on the ground and brought my torso up while also bending my knees. I suddenly jumped from my still sliding position and I did a double front flip over the rest of the small crowd of people who were looking at me with mouths agape. When I landed I dropped into a roll to soften the landing before I smoothly got to my feet and kept sprinting.

"Hell Yeah!" I whooped with joy as I vaulted over a bench

"Damn that was epic!" Phoenix said as we continued to race toward a steampunk temple

When we finally reached the door of the temple we were both out of breath but smiling like madmen.

"I haven't had this much fun in millennium" Phoenix said and I laughed heartily as I knocked on the door of the temple

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