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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

I woke up to being surrounded by a large group of campers, all staring at me and the sleepy girl next to me.

"Look, he's awake" the familiar voice of Connor said and I looked up

"What, is there something on my face? If so I'm blaming Connor and Travis" I said plainly and everyone shook their heads "Then stop staring! It's creepy!" I shouted loud enough for them to get the message but not loud enough to wake Thalia who was still sleeping on my shoulder

"Sorry, it's just. Seeing a daughter of Zeus sleeping on the shoulder of a son of Poseidon, you don't see that very often" Travis said and I felt Instinct laughing

'Well, how about Artemis willingly kissing a male' he said and I chuckled

"Well, you've seen it. Now if you don't mind. I'm going to get... Princess Thalia to bed" I smirk

"I am going to kill you" Thalia said as she slowly woke up and glared at me half heartedly

"Oh, don't act that way. We both know that you don't mind it" I said cheekily and Thalia slapped the back of my head causing the campers to roar in laughter "Alright Thalia, let's get you to bed" Thalia just nods and I get up and then pick her up bridal style causing everyone to go wide eyed "What? Ever see someone picking someone else up this way?" No one does anything and I just walk past them and too my cabin until Chiron trots up to me looking nervous

"Perseus my boy, Thalia is a daughter of Zeus" He says and I look at him and raise an eyebrow

"And?" I say obviously knowing why he is telling me this but not really giving a damn

"She can't sleep in your cabin" Chiron says and I look at him before he notices my look of 'Do you really think I give a shit about that? I do what I want, when I want, how I please'

"She CAN sleep in my cabin, because I refuse to have my cousin be forced to sleep alone in a dark, dank, dusty, musty old cabin with a creepy life like statue of Zeus staring down holding the flipping doomsday bolt like 'Respect me or Eat Voltage!'" I state and thunder rumbles overhead and I look up "I'm not disrespecting you, I am telling the truth, that statue freaks me out as it should freak everyone out." I say and the dark clouds overhead lighten up slightly 

"Perseus, you know she can't..." Chiron started to say but I narrowed my eyes

"Chiron, I know you are just doing your job. But I couldn't care less, I take care of my family and those I love. With the children of the big three being us. We need to stick together, so let me do what I want and I will even sacrifice my next five full meals to Zeus" I say and the sky thunders in approval

"Well, it seems that Zeus agrees" Chiron says in defeat and I smile

"Thank you, Chiron, I promise you won't regret this" I say and Chiron smiles slightly

"I have yet to regret any decision that I have made concerning you" Chiron says as he turns around and trots off and I open the door to cabin three and walk in

"I want that bed" Thalia says pointing to the bed next to Reyna's old bed

I walk over to it and gently lay Thalia down on the bed and she curls up and falls asleep again. I smile slightly as I pull the covers out from under her and then tuck her in.

'We would be such good parents' Instinct comments as I finish tucking Thalia in

'Yeah, but then we would have to adopt probably, and that's if Arty hasn't moved on and started to hate all males' I responded as I walked over to my bed and looked at the wall which held my minotaur horn

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