Have a Snickers, You're Not You When You're Hungry

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

Luke showed me to Thalia's tree after I willed Lunar's light to disappear. When we reached the tree what I saw almost made me sick, there was a sickly green spot where the poison obviously was injected. I put my hand on the spot and I felt the Tree trying to fight the poison but it was a losing battle. I sighed and looked at Phoenix.

"Is there anything you can do?" I asked and Phoenix shook his head

"Sorry Perseus, but this is a poison that not even Chaos taught us how to cure since it was outlawed." Phoenix said and I started pacing

"Where is Chiron?" I asked and Annabeth and Luke looked down

"Some campers blamed him for poisoning the tree. Their evidence was because he was a son of Kronos. Our new activities director is a guy named Tantalus" Annabeth said and I looked at her

"The guy who was sentenced to the fields of punishment?" I ask and She nods

"Great, well, I'm going to the Oracle to get a quest. I will not allow this to happen" I said and started walking to the big house only for Shane to stop me

"Perseus, this isn't your fight. Just relax, I already asked Marcus to study the poison used to try any cure for it. Just relax okay? Besides, Tantalus canceled all Quests until this is solved" Shane said and I looked at her and I noticed her pleading eyes begging me not to do anything stupid

'Yet' Instinct said and I nodded both to Shane and Instinct

"Hey, Percy. I need to head out alright?" I heard Kyle say and I turned to look at him and I smiled

"Yeah, man. Good luck and don't anger anyone to much" I said and Kyle laughs

"Alright, catch you later" Kyle says before he turns and walks back to his car

I turn back to the tree and suddenly I hear a faint cry for help.

'Instinct, you hear that?' I ask mentally

'Yeah, it sounded like it came from the tree." Instinct says and I make a mental note to come back here tonight

"Alright, I guess I have no choice, let's go relax..." I say and Shane smiles as she leads out group into camp

"Wait, what about Tyson" Luke says and I turn around to see Tyson banging on the barrier

"I, Annabeth Chase, give Tyson the Cyclops permission to enter the barrier of Camp Half Blood" Annabeth says even though she backs away slightly from Tyson when he enters the camp and runs to catch up with us

"Alright, I have to go. The hunters really need my assistance in a hunt." Phoenix says as he summons his wings and launches into the air before flying away

Our group continues to walk to the main cabin area but when we get there everyone stops in their tracks as they see Tyson. I notice that most of the Ares campers sneer at me as their eyes flit from Tyson to me. Clarisse walks up with her electric spear and points it at Tyson.

"What are you doing bringing a monster into Camp Jackson" Clarisse spits before I push her spear to the side and stand in front of him "Oh, so now your protecting him. How sweet. Just more incentive for me to kill you" Clarisse says as she thrusts forward with her spear

I push it to the side before summoning Lunar's light again and slash at Clarisse. She jumps back before thrusting forward again and I swing down on the shaft of the spear. The blade flashes silver as it starts to cut clean through her spear, and once it's broken it discharges and shocks Clarisse.

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