Starting the Quest

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does.

Percy's POV:

As I was exiting the attic a smooth and silky voice called my name.


I turned around to see the Oracle spewing more green smoke but in the middle of the smoke was a woman who looked like she was in her mid-twenties, she was transparent and she had a soft smile on her face.

"Who are you?" I inquired curiously not at all afraid of her

"I am the spirit of Delphi, I have come to warn you and advise you on your quest." She said in a serious voice "You will face many ancient monsters, some that haven't been conquered since the ancient times, I advise you to head to the Saint Louis Arch, there you will find what you need to complete your quest." With that the spirit of Delphi flickered "I must go, the fates are figuring out something isn't right. Good luck Perseus, you'll need it in the coming years, I will do my best to give you information that will help you." At that the Spirit of Delphi disappeared and I turned back around and walked out of the attic and down to the porch where everyone was standing.

Chiron trotted up to me and looked at me with curious eyes.

"So, my boy, getting over the shock of your first Prophecy?" Chiron asked and I nodded just to play along "Very good, now, can we hear the Prophecy?" I nodded

"You shall go west, and face the god who has turned,

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,

And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end" I repeated the Prophecy flawlessly and Chiron nodded

"Very well, you may choose two companions to..." Chiron starts but I cut him off

"Grover and Annabeth, those are the two people I want as my companions if they should accept" I say quickly and both people come up and nod with smiles gracing their faces

"Of course, we will join you Percy" Grover said and Chiron smiles

"Well, you three better be off, you only have a few days to get back..." Chiron starts again but I cut him off

"We need to get to Olympus and complete the Quest by the Solstice. That much I got from Shane" I say and look at Chiron apologetically for once again cutting him off but he just smiles and shakes his head

"Right, Well Argus has already had the van prepped so you all can leave after you get the required items" Chiron said and I nodded as Annabeth ran to her cabin to get her items as Grover and I just walked to the camp Van

When we got there Grover looked at me.

"So, what else happened up in the attic?" Grover asked and I looked at him weirdly

'Oh right, Satyrs can smell emotions' I thought to myself though where that information came from I have no clue.

"Oh, you probably smelled my confusion. It was just about the Prophecy. I assure you." I say and Grover gives me a look of shock.

"how do you know I can smell emotions? In fact, how did you know how Zeus became the king of the gods? We didn't go over that in class at least not in the details you gave us..." Grover said and my mind raced for an explanation that didn't make me seem untrustworthy

"I don't know, I guess my mom just liked to tell me stories when I was younger, and the information just happened to pop up in my mind when I need it." I said truthfully as I did recall my mom telling stories.

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