Christmas Party

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does
This is the Christmas Special

Percy's POV:

I grabbed Artemis' hand and she smiled as she laced our fingers causing the entire roman legion to let out another round of wolf whistles.

"Oh give the two love birds some space" I heard Zoe yell and I looked at her "What?"

"Oh nothing, just wondering how you were doing" I said and Artemis squeezed my hand hard causing me to flinch

"I would take your eyes off of me and look at her for the next few months Perce, you owe her that" Zoe said and I looked at Artemis and felt the pressure in my hand decrease

'We were idiots for giving her a minor domain in strength...' Iota muttered and I sighed mentally

"So, Percy, where are we going to go?" Artemis asked and I frowned

"You mean you want to go on a date now?" I asked and Artemis glared at me "Of course you want to go on a date now!" I corrected myself and she smiled sweetly "Where do you want to go Moonbeam?" I asked and she blushed lightly

"Well, I was wondering if we could spend tonight together" She said quietly and I raised an eyebrow and she understood what she said "Not like that! You nasty minded male!" Artemis yelled and I put on my best confused face

"I was thinking about a nice dinner and a movie, if it's not that then what is it?" I said and I watched in amusement as her cheeks turned a dark red and I chuckled

"Nothing" She murmured as she hid her face in my chest and I chuckled

"Let's head to the after-battle party" I said and she nodded

I led her through the streets until we reached the dining hall where everyone was sitting. When they saw me they all got up and saluted me before cheering.

"You have gained the Legion's respect Perce" Reyna said from her crutches and I looked at her again "Don't worry, I'm fine, just a sprain. That giant got lucky and knocked me off of Scipio when we were fighting him" Reyna said with a smile "But I believe this celebration requires more than a feast" She said with a sly smile

"You getting your secret lover to help?" I whispered to her and she blushed a dark red and I laughed

"Yes, Skyla is helping" Reyna said and I chuckled as the air around us shimmered and the dining hall turned into a dance floor causing several people to let out surprised shouts

"Well, I never expected you to be dating Lady Diana" A familiar voice said and I turned to see Kyle with a smile on his face

"Kyle! Long time no see my friend" I said as we grasped forearms "how are you holding up?" I asked and he chuckled

"As good as ever dude" He responded as he turned around and saw a woman motioning him over with her finger "Well, I got to go, let me know when you want to hang out" he finished before he walked off and Dakota walked up and embraced me in a large hug

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" He shouted and I laughed

"It was nothing, honestly" I said and he laughed before patting me on the back

"Whatever, but remember that no matter what, the fifth will have your back, hell if you go against Olympus we will join you" He said and I laughed again

"Alright" I said and he walked off as I found a table and sat down with Artemis next to me as music started playing and couples got on the dance floor

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