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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

I sprinted at full speed toward where I heard the roar.

'Please let it not be what I think it is...' I thought to myself as I ran to where I saw a group of campers shaking

I ran up to Luke who, along with Clarisse, was commanding the group.

"Castilian, I'm telling you, we need to just take it head on!" Clarisse yelled at Luke who shook his head

"Yeah and become food for it, we need to take out its eyes but no one is skilled enough to shoot that far" Luke countered and I cleared my throat gaining their attention

"What's the situation?" I ask and Luke just points behind me

I turn around and let out a groan of frustration.

"I hate Drakons..." I mutter under my breath as I look at its features "Looks like a Lydian drakon, one of the first to be exact" I spout out to myself forgetting that Luke and Clarisse are right behind me "Weak points, under the jaw right in the middle, three feet from its skull on its back" I mutter as I grab my mace canister and summon my spear and shield "Fall back, let me handle this"

"Percy! You'll die! Let us help!" Luke yelled as he tried to grab my shoulder but Clarisse stopped him

"Don't, I know that tone of voice, it's a tone that says that his is his fight" Clarisse said and I put my shield in front of me and held my spear at the ready as I crouched down into a ready position

I shot forward toward the drakon as it opened its mouth and launched a glob of poison at me. I leapt to the side and when my feet hit the ground again I continued running toward the monster.

"Hey you overgrown snake you missed!" I yelled as I got close to it causing it to rear it's head back and lunge at me

I smirked as I dodged the attack and thrust my spear into its left. I pulled back and just barely noticed its tail swing around and crash into me throwing me back. I tumbled on the ground until I managed to stabilize myself and ended up on my feet in a crouched position, my shield digging into the ground and my spear at the ready. I looked up at the drakon to see it slithering toward me and I growled.

Third Person POV:

Percy glared at the drakon as he suddenly tensed his whole body before launching from his position toward the monster.

The drakon got low and lunged again but Percy drove his spear into the ground and pole vaulted over the attack and landed on the drakon's head. The drakon reared it's head back launching Percy into the air directly above it.

Percy then twisted himself in the air to try and stabilize himself and as he reached his peak he swung his body around so he was facing the ground. He then started his decent on the monster with his shield brandished in front of him and his spear in position as he gained speed.

The drakon looked up and saw Percy descending. It opened it's mouth to swallow Percy whole and Percy fell strait into the drakons' mouth.

"Percy!" Luke yelled as the hunters of Artemis reached the group of demigods who were watching Percy in awe

Luke turned to the demigods with a look of anger.

"Let's show that monster who is stronger!" Luke yelled as he brandished his sword and made to charge the drakon when Zoe, who had met up with the hunters, held him back

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