Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does
Artemis' POV:
I was polishing off the Aieon bow Percy gave me when Thalia came running through the door of the cabin looking frantic.
"Milady! Percy is fighting the new kid" Thalia said and I was on my feet in moments following her out to the arena where I saw Percy shirtless as he was handing all of his weapons to Phoenix who was talking to him
I ran over to him and grabbed Percy's shoulder.
"Percy, what are you doing?" I growled at him and he smirked
"Getting information" He said and I shake my head
"Why in the name of my uncle can't you just ask?" I said as I noticed his 8 pack abs and my eyes were glued to them
They were perfectly tan, perfectly defined. I saw Percy snap his fingers under my nose and I looked at him to find him smirking.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer" He commented but I rolled my eyes
"Why? You already belong to me" I responded and he took a step back
"Milady, slavery is illegal" He said and I snorted
"It's not slavery if you willingly be mine" I retorted and he laughed
"Percy, you ready?" Phoenix said and Percy nodded before he turned around and a Crescent moon tattoo on his left shoulder blade
He then walked to the arena where the new kid was already waiting.
"Remember our terms Zain" He said and I raised an eyebrow as I saw Zain nod
At that moment, they both launched forward. Zain landed a hard punch on Percy's stomach. Percy hunched over in pain before Zain brought his knee up into Percy's face sending him sprawling back.
Percy then rolled back and onto his feet but he looked like he was in pain. Zain surged forward and sent a hard kick to the side of Percy's head sending him back to the ground. Percy then slowly got up as Zain stalked forward and threw the final blow.
I held my breath and looked away when the punch should have landed but instead I heard gasps which caused me to look back and see that Percy had caught Zain's fist.
"Well that was a fun warmup" He said, all looks of pain gone from his face
"HA! I Knew he would start off with a fake!" Phoenix said to Zoe who pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to Phoenix
"Now lets really start the fight" Percy said with a smirk and mirth in his eyes but suddenly that smirk dropped and his eyes turned hard and as cold as a winter hurricane "Complete Merge!" He yelled out and I knew that he was merging with Iota and Instinct based on the slight Sea green glow with hints of silver around him
Percy pulled Zain forward and slammed his right fist into his stomach hard enough to send Zain flying back across the arena. Percy then stood up and cracked his neck before he hunched over slightly and waited for Zain to charge.
Once Zain got to his feet he rushed Percy, jumped and lashed out with his feet. Percy grabbed Zain's legs and swung him over his shoulders and onto the ground bone breakingly hard, however, Zain rolled away and got to his feet before taking off a glove on his right hand.
Once his hand was revealed I a wave of death hit me and I knew that if Percy were to be hit by that, he would die instantly.
Zain rushed forward and threw a right hook and I flashed into his path as Zain's punch almost hit me. I closed my eyes and waited for the long painful process of reformation. But it never came, what came instead was a loud gasping sound from around the arena. I opened my eyes to see Percy holding onto Zain's hand, at first I was confused but as I looked closer I saw a silver shield keeping Zain from actually touching Percy.
"You attempt to hurt my charge, I will end you" Percy said in a dark voice, one that I have only heard one other time
Percy pushed Zain back before surging forward like a tidal wave. He landed a solid punch on Zain's chest then instantly appeared behind him where he threw a hard uppercut into his spine. Zain was thrown in the air and Percy bent down and jumped slightly but disappeared and reappeared above Zain.
"DON'T!" Percy said as he spun around and landed a hard kick into Zain's stomach which sent him toward the floor "HURT" he continued as he appeared next to the spot Zain would land and round house kicked the falling boy toward a wall "ARTEMIS!!!" Percy finished as he appeared in Zain's path and launched a punch hard enough to kill someone at Zain's head causing him to flip and land on his face sliding until he hit the wall
I was surprised when Zain started to get up but saw Percy place a foot on his neck and force him back down.
"Yield!" Percy growled and everyone was silent but I saw Zain nod his head and Percy leaned down and spoke into Zain's ear then get off of him roughly and walk over to Phoenix
Phoenix gave Percy his gear, and I watched Percy walk off while putting his stuff on. I went to follow him but when I got outside the arena, Percy had vanished. Disappointed, I walked back into the Arena where I saw Phoenix help Zain up and laugh slightly. I walked over and when Phoenix saw me he smiled but then looked around.
"Where's Percy?" He asked and I shrugged
"He seems to have just disappeared, probably used that ability of his to cloak himself" I said and Phoenix nodded
"I also got word from Justice there this a party to celebrate our victory against Kronos tonight on Olympus" Phoenix said and I nodded
"Hopefully Percy will be here" I commented and Phoenix smiled
"He will, he will"
A/N: I know it's short, but the next few ones will be short as they will contain 100% Pertemis, and stuff before the next sequence. So, stay tuned! Until next time my fellow Demigods and Demigoddesses, Take Care!
~Major Nich

Lunar's Plight
FanfictionGuardians are meant to protect their charges to their dying breath, but what if that guardian is known for doing the impossible? Find out by reading Lunar's Plight!