Calling an Ally

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

I ran through the maze, following the faint trail that was on the ground. After a while, I slowed to a walk deciding that this was a good time to vent my frustration.

"The nerve that girl has to take our shield!" Instinct snarls as he shimmers into view next to me "I'll break her spine if she even thinks she could wield it properly!"

"Instinct, calm down, getting angry won't help either of us in this situation" I say calmly but on the inside, I completely agreed with him

"How are you so calm!! SHE HAS OUR SHIELD!!" Instinct growled at me and I looked at him

"I'm calm because I know that when we get back not only will we have a fight on our hands but after we win that battle, we will kick her ass in so hard she won't be able to sit down for a month." I Reply and Instinct gains a feral smile

"Good, also did you notice that Phoenix and Heather weren't standing with the hunters?" Instinct inquired and I nodded

"Yeah, you don't think that new girl being 'the guardian of Artemis' kicked her out eh?" I asked and a green mist surrounded us and we smiled

"Hello Delphi, a pleasure to see you again" Instinct and I said in unison and Delphi smiled

"Hello Perseus, Instinct" She greets "I've come to inform you of what has happened recently" She says as she starts walking with us

"Thank you, Delphi" I say and she nods

"Well as you know, Artemis has a new 'Guardian'. Her name is Amber and she is the daughter of Zelus, god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal. Chaos appointed her to 'guard' Artemis because she sabotaged everything to be in her favor. She bribed her fellow trainees and then pressured Chaos for hundreds of years." Delphi said and both Instinct and I scowled at the prospect of a cheater 'protecting' our Arty "Chaos finally had enough and gave in, when Artemis heard of Amber being her guardian she denied it instantly and still does. However, when Artemis and Zoe left to calm down, Amber kicked Heather out of the hunt. Artemis allowed her back in but Heather refuses to sleep in the Hunter's cabin or go anywhere near Amber due to her having a 'target' on her back. Only Phoenix being there is keeping Amber from doing something bad. Amber also stole your shield from Artemis' tent" Delphi explained and I let out a low growl

"I'm assuming she was jealous and envious of the other Guardians from Alpha company, so she cheated her way to the top of her company then started to pester Chaos" Instinct said and Delphi nodded "Okay, yeah, were going to kick her ass" He finished and Delphi smirked

"I would like to see that, and, if I may..." She started before looking fidgety "I was wondering if I could join you two on your journeys, being stuck in that mummified corpse is horrible, curse Hades for his curse..." She pleaded and Instinct and I smiled

"We would be delighted if you tagged along, and I have the perfect thing for you to 'fuse' into, though it will take a lot of your energy" I say and Delphi nodded enthusiastically

I chuckle as I will my bow into a backpack and pull an emerald amulet out and put it around my neck. Edward gave me the amulet saying, 'I have no use for it'. Delphi looked at it and smiled before she started glowing. She suddenly disappeared and I smiled when the emerald amulet flashed and Delphi appeared next to us looking tired but happy.

"It's done! Thank you so much for doing this!" Delphi said as the three of us started walking down the dark pathway once again

Third Person POV:
On Olympus:

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