Fighting the Dutchman

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

As soon as I said the word, the cannons of the Queen Ann's Revenge all fired simultaneously. Not a moment later the Dutchman returned fire and I saw the crew of the infamous ghost ship preparing to board the Revenge.

"Don't let them get Calypso!" I ordered as I grabbed a rope and jumped off the ship and swung over to the Dutchman about half the crew following my lead

I landed with a roll but had to quickly side step as a cutlass almost cut me clean in half. I growled before returning the strike with my own cutlass. My blade cut deep into the skeleton's sternum but it did little to hinder the monster. The skeleton gave me a boney smile and attempted to thrust forward but a silver arrow pierced its skull causing it to burst into flames and turn to ash. I whirled around and saw Instinct with our bow and smiled.

'Couldn't let you have all the glory, now can I? Anyway, stay focused, ill cover you from here but I stay near the Moonlace to keep the magic up.' Instinct said as he fired another arrow to incapacitate a skeleton that Edward was fighting near the entrance to the cabin Calypso was in

I sent a mental thank you before turning and cutting the head off another skeleton. I heard a gunshot and felt a bullet graze my shoulder. I turned and saw a group of Anemoi Thuellai and charged them. As I crossed blades with the first one I saw him smile and his teeth were so white I thought he should have a warning label on them that said 'Warning May Cause Permanent Blindness'.

As we pulled back, I noticed the winds and waves become more Chaotic. I pushed those thoughts away as I clashed with the storm spirit again. I slashed at his legs but it was quickly blocked and I suddenly felt a trillion volts of electricity travel through my body and it sent me flying back until I hit a wooden railing. I looked at the spirits and saw their fingers crackling with electricity. I stood up, my body still twitching from the lighting.

"How are you still alive?" The storm spirit asked with a stunned voice

"I made a promise to the one I love. That promise was to come back to her no matter what. And I intend to keep that promise" I growled out as the storm around the two ships increased.

I heard the continuous firing of cannons from both ships and was vaguely aware of Instinct firing arrows where he could to protect Edward and or myself.

"Whatever you're a weakling compared to the Dutchman and her crew! Hades, even the captain is stronger than your entire ship!" The spirit said as he raised his hand and shot another bolt of lighting

I raised my cutlass to meet the bolt and when the two connected I grit my teeth as I felt more electricity enter my system. I shook my head and charged the spirit who was shocked that I kept moving.

"You know, you would think I was the one who shot the lightning because you're the one looking shocked!" I shouted as leapt forward and thrusted my blade into the spirits chest causing him to sputter and explode into dust "Who's next?" I said as the remaining spirits charged me

I surged forward and got inside another's guard and shoved my left hand forward before extending my hidden blade which easily cut through the spirit. I slashed out and continued the motion as I blocked a strike to my left. I countered quickly but cutting off the spirits arm when a silver arrow protruded from its chest turning it to dust.

"Percy!" I heard Edward yell and I turned to see a flintlock pistol flying through the air

I caught it and turned quickly, aiming it at the remaining spirits and fired. A celestial bronze musket-ball flew out and traveled through the remaining two spirits who were in single file. I then noticed the hammer on the gun slowly moving back on its own as I retraced my hidden blade.

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