A Whole Bunch of Bull

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

A year or so later (This is so the second quest can start)

Percy's POV:

After I got my new weapons, which I named one, Lunar's light, nothing really happened. I stayed at camp for the school year and the summer after that. Once I heard my mother returned to New York I went to her new place and she gave me a bone crushing hug. I told her of my quests and new friends to which she told me I was too young to be dating. I just rolled my eyes at her antics but in the end, we were still together, I eventually moved back in with her but I still attended camp thanks to Phoenix's teleporting abilities. During the summer, my mom came back we found a kid on the side of the road in a refrigerator. My mom took him home with us, and I found out his name was Tyson. I figured out Tyson was a little on the slow end but I couldn't fault him for that, besides he was such a caring person. Soon Tyson and I became sort of like brothers, which really helped when Phoenix had to break the news to me that Reyna and Hylla had to head out west to the Roman demigod camp. I had struck up a very nice relationship with the sisters since we spent so much time in Cabin three, so when they had to leave I was almost in tears. I told them to be safe and if anyone tried to kidnap them again to beat the hell out of them for me. They laughed and Phoenix flame traveled them away. Soon after that, my mom enrolled Tyson and me into school, I was sort of excited because I now had someone to read me the assignment (Instinct) when my Dyslexia was acting up, and I had weapons that could injure mortals should they start bullying me. Today was my first day of school and I had learned a few things in the past couple days, one of them being I had slight control over my shield skill. I had learned that when I was blocking with my daggers while having Phoenix attack me. I also learned to conceal my bow and quiver as a backpack, which was by far one of the most useful things ever.

I was currently walking out of my room, my 'backpack' on my back. I had my daggers cloaked as well as my can of mace, and my silver wrist band on. I looked at Tyson who was wearing a normal T-shirt and pants.

"You ready for school Tyson?" I asked and Tyson nodded vigorously

I laughed and we walked downstairs to see my mom waiting patiently by the door with a smile on her face.

"Well, you two boys look nice. Now come along, you don't want to be late for your first day." She said as she walked out side with her car keys

Tyson and I followed her until we came up to a new Dodge Charger. Yes, I did buy my mom a dodge charger with my endless money card from the Lotus hotel. Anyway, we climbed in and my mom drove to the school.

We climbed out and I saw a group of burly looking brutes with tattoos on look at Tyson and myself with a bored look. I ignored them as I walked with Tyson to our class. We got in and we took our seats and waited.

(Thirty minutes later)

"Hello class, and welcome to your first day of English..." the teacher said and I felt myself pass out while Instinct took control for me since he knew I wouldn't be able to pay attention

(three hours later)

We were in History, and I was finished with my assignment, so I took out my wallet and looked at the picture of Reyna Hylla Phoenix and myself at the lake at camp. Suddenly I had my wallet ripped from my hands as the class bully Matt Sloan took it and looked at the picture.

"Who are these beautiful ladies, and why are they hanging out with you? Are they your girlfriends?" Matt said and I growled

"No, now would you please give me my wallet back?" I said with a tone of barely controlled anger

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