Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does
Warning: Excessive cussing inboundShane's POV:
"Do we HAVE to stay here? Can't we pull an Artemis and just leave for a bit to get some fast food or something?" Marcus said as he threw down a dictionary onto a pile of books that was seven feet high and I looked around the room to see every guardian present except for Phoenix, and Amber
"Marcus, you know what Zeus said, Artemis is his little girl and he won't do anything to stop her" Star said I sighed and continued playing with my Yo-yo sword as a certain demigod crossed my mind
"So, what are your guy's views on Perseus?" I ask and everyone looks at me
"He seems powerful, more powerful than what should be considered normal" Alex, Hera's guardian said
"He's probably a thief, like Amber said that one time, he does have Percy's Shield of course, and we know how protective Artemis is of that" Mary said as she looked through a tablet
I looked at Melody who normally speaks up in conversations like this but I saw her holding back a smile.
"Probably going to end up like Orion, dead, not by a guardian's hands per say but I feel like he is going to get himself killed sooner or later" Zane said and we all nodded except for Melody who, again, stayed out of it
"Last time I saw him outside of the council room, he had a good relationship with Zoe" Marcus said Justice looked at him
"Zoe hasn't told me anything regarding the topic of Perseus, in fact, none of the hunters even mentioned him when I asked. It was like there was a promise made between all of them. And even when I approached a newer hunter, Phoebe answered for her. Something strange surrounds that boy" Justice said and I nodded
"He has all of Percy's old gear, the armor, Riptide, his bow, daggers. He even showed up with pure Aieon during the reward ceremony. He is friends with Skyla, and Chaos asked him to guard her during the party" Katelyn said as she sharpened her axe
I looked around and saw Casey thinking deeply and Melody biting her lip.
"Melody, what do you think about Perseus" I said suddenly
"He is a great fighter, one of the best, very protective of the ones he loves" Melody said and I felt her hold back a bit
I stand up and look at Justice who does the same.
"I'm going to go ask Zeus if we can get some take out, anyone want anything?" I ask and everyone raised their hands "Alright, Marcus right down the list while Justice and I go and get permission to leave"
I walk out with Justice and as soon as we're out of earshot I turn to her.
"Melody, is holding something back" I say and Justice nods
"That's not the only thing. Apollo told me that he found Perseus in Artemis' temple, they then went out into the junkyard of the gods again and he saw Perseus channel his energy into Aieon, a feat only few people can do due to the rarity of the metal. Also, Perseus only went to Katelyn once to get new weapons, yet he gave Artemis a pure Aieon bow, something that only Percy knew how to make" Justice said and my eyes widened
"He hangs out with Phoenix all the time, and during the fight with Typhoon was the first time since Percy died that Phoenix wore his armor..." I said and Justice snapped her fingers
"When Artemis was knocked to the ground and Typhon stepped on her, she should have been crushed, but instead Typhoon stumbled a bit as if he hit something he wasn't expecting, maybe that was Perseus... but then how would..." She says as I remember Percy yelling out a pokemon move and another version of him appeared and I looked at Justice to see her remembering a similar event

Lunar's Plight
FanfictionGuardians are meant to protect their charges to their dying breath, but what if that guardian is known for doing the impossible? Find out by reading Lunar's Plight!