The Dance

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

A/N: The Above Picture is of Artemis' dress

Artemis' POV:

I regarded the male in front of me with a curious expression. Perseus Jackson, he was an enigma in and of himself. He defeated Heracles, sneak away from my hunters undetected, befriend Romans without any trouble, befriended the Nemean lion, Defied fate to protect my hunters Zoe and Bianca, Held the sky, and most impressive of all, he befriended Zoe who, after Percy died, never trusted any male whatsoever. My eyes scanned his face, from his sea swept unruly black hair to his vibrant, sea green eyes that showed a small amount of fear but also a hidden mischievousness that reminded me so much of my guardian.

"S-so, lady Artemis, why did you want to dance with a male like me?" Perseus asked as a slow song came on and I almost laughed when I saw a hint of displeasure in his eyes but I kept a straight face

"I want to figure you out 'boy', why is it that you are afraid of me when I have no intention of killing or cause harm to you, but you can face a 200ft tall giant robot with a smile on your face?" I question and I see his mind working overtime "Or how facing a Titan when you're physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted doesn't deter you." I finished as he put his hands on my waist careful to not move them any lower, I responded with putting my hands on his shoulders as we started dancing

Instinct's POV:

'Fuck, this is dangerous territory' I thought to myself as I moved my sore body

Percy was unconscious so I used the trick we used in English Class where I took over his body. I thought over me and Percy's actions to warrant this situation.

"I guess I fear your reputation..." I say quietly and I notice she is staring straight into my eyes "And I don't make promises I don't intend to keep" I say smartly

"You're different than most males, but there is something, more to you" She declares and I take a deep breath "The fact that you had your life thread cut and you're still alive says volumes of how powerful you are" She finishes

"I'm not powerful, I just do what I have to do to keep my friends, family, and those I love safe" I say quietly as I stare into the beautiful silver eyes that I fell in love with so long ago and it took all my willpower to not lean forward and kiss Artemis right there and then

"Well, be careful, your fatal flaw appears to be Personal Loyalty" Artemis said and I smirk internally

"I guess it is. I can be pretty stupid when it comes to protecting those I care about" I say truthfully as the slow song ends and a slightly faster one starts

I move my hands to a more comfortable position before we start dancing.

"If you don't be careful, you could either sacrifice the world for that one person, or sacrifice yourself for that person, and I'm pretty sure whoever you're dating at that moment or in the future wouldn't like that" Artemis says and I smile as I grab her hand and twirl her before dropping her into a dip which I pull her out of quickly but staying in rhythm with the song

"I don't have any plans on dating anyone except the 'one'" I say with a small smile

"So, you aren't going to let your teenage hormones get the better of you" Artemis said and I shake my head

'I would die before I dated anyone else other than Arty' I think to myself and I feel Percy agree in his unconscious state

"You really are one of a ki..." Artemis beings but is cut off by a scream of pain and I instantly let go of her form and draw Riptide and uncap it causing the sword to extend and gleam in the light of Olympus

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