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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Percy's POV:

I watched in amusement as everyone's head turned toward me with a look of horror. That is, until Mars let out a booming laugh.

"You must be new to the ancient world" Mars said and I smirked

"Nope, names Percy Jackson, son of Neptune, and wielder of more weapons than what should be possible" I say and Mars looks at me before laughing some more

"I believe you, now, Frank Zhang, where are you?" Mars said changing the subject and Casey looked at me causing me to smirk some more

I saw Frank stand up and walk forward.

"My boy, that was a nice fight on your part" Mars said and I saw Frank pale slightly "Ref, did you see my boy get over the wall?" He continued as Casey walked over to me and looked me in the eyes

"Hello Casey" I said to the guardian of Ares and she looked at me "What brings you and Lord Mars to Camp Jupiter?" I ask and she smirks

"Lord Mars wanted to see his son Frank and give him a gift, and he also wanted to warn you all about what is to come" She said and I raised an eyebrow "Thanatos has been captured, we know where he is but we don't know who managed to capture him" She finished and I nodded

"I want him, the one who refused to bow, on this quest. He is an excellent fighter and will prove helpful on this quest" Mars said and I saw him pointing at me and I saw Octavian step forward

"Lord Mars, normally a quest has a prophecy. If you would excuse me, I could get a knife and several sacrifices..." Octavian started but I formed a fist out of water and threw it at him, knocking him out cold

"Sorry... nah not really, he deserved it" I say simply as Mars smiles widely "Lord Mars, I am sure you have thought of this predicament"

"Indeed, does anyone have a pen?" He asked and I pulled Riptide out, uncapped it and then put the cap on the hilt so it turned into a normal ball point pen

"Catch!" I yell and throw the pen at him

Mars catches it and quickly scribbles down something before handing me Riptide and handing a now conscious Octavian the paper.

"Go to Alaska, find Thanatos, free him, return before the battle" Octavian said dizzily before looking at me with a pathetic glare "Lord Mars, normally prophecies rhy--" he started before I threw another water fist at him

"A Prophecy has been issued by Lord Mars!" I yell and I notice Casey and Mars holding in laughter as Zain walked up next to me

"Now, Frank, that weapon has three charges, use them wisely" Mars said before Casey walked up to him and they both vanished in a flash of light

"Well, that was fun" I muttered to Zain who nodded silently "You need a weapon my friend, any preferences?" I ask and he nods as he takes a pen and a piece of paper and draws what he wants then hands it to me "Escrima sticks?" I question and he nods causing me to shrug "Alright, ill get you them mate. Let me just contact Phoenix"

'Yo! Phoenix' I yelled over our bond and I felt him pick up

'Yeah?' He asked

'Can I get an order of two Wofrium Escrima sticks' I say and I feel him sigh mentally

'How am I going to get them to you, and I thought Hera wiped your memory' Phoenix said

'She can damn well try, but it ain't going to happen!!!' Iota yelled over the bond causing Phoenix to chuckle mentally

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