[twenty five]

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Indi's POV

"Ladies," Matt said, pulling Rose's car door open for her.  "Welcome to the Arctic Cabin."

I rolled my eyes.  Of course that's what they called it.

But as I got out of the car and looked up the drive at our destination, I realized that the "cabin" wasn't a cabin at all.  It looked more like a mansion.

It was massive, made completely of wood besides a glass wall on the east side.  Bright green pine trees surrounded it on all sides and I was immediately in love with the sight of it. 

We had to park the cars down the way because the path leading up to the front porch was too narrow to drive.  I didn't mind, though.  I loved hiking, and we were surrounded by the beautiful, untouched wilderness.  

But my brief bliss was interrupted when Alex stepped out of back of their car and I remembered that I was going to be stuck with him for the next 24 hours.   Great. 

He looked at me, removing his sunglasses.  He was trying to give me a look-- one that said sorry, or something pathetic along those lines.  He was in for a rude awakening if he thought all was well between us just because he'd dropped his music video to come with us.

I looked away from him as quickly as I could and went to the trunk to get my bag.

"Is anybody going to open my door for me?" Alicia joked as she stepped out.  Nick (I think that was his name?) laughed at this, but Matt was too absorbed in Rose to hear.

They seemed to really like each other.  They'd been all lovey before we left the ski resort, but I'd been too pissed at Alex to pay much attention.  

But now that I had calmed down a bit, I could see the sincere happiness written across Rose's face as she smiled up at him while he took her bag out of the trunk.  I'd never seen her show affection to a guy so quickly.

The guy I'd seen in the bathroom last night was already headed up toward the cabin.  I think I'd heard Matt call him Jamie, but I wasn't for sure.  He seemed to keep to himself.

"Right then," Matt announced, lugging Rose's suitcase up the drive.  "Let's all get our shit inside then head down to town.  We're going to that haunted hotel for a tour tonight."

Nick stared at him, confused.  "Since when?"

"Since Rose said she wanted to go," Matt declared.

 Nick shrugged. "Sounds wicked.  I'm down."

"Same," Jamie called over his shoulder.

"Is that the one Stephen King stayed at while writing the shining?" Alicia asked.

"Yeah," I answered for her.  "The Overlook, right?"

"The Stanley," someone corrected me.  "He renamed it in the book."

It was Alex.  Of course it was Alex.

I turned back around to look at him.  His sunglasses were back on, but I could still feel him watching me intently from behind them.  He took the jacket of his suit off and crossed his arms over his chest, his muscles flexing under the white fabric of his shirt...

And then I thought of those arms around that girl.  That insanely beautiful girl with a ginormous ass.  All my anger came flooding back at once. 

"I think I'll stay here," he said, his eyes still fixed on me.  "I have a song I need to finish."

"In that case, count me in," I said, grabbing my suitcase.  "I'd rather get possessed by one of those hotel ghosts than stay here with him."

I probably should have cooled it down a bit, seeing as I was surrounded by his band mates, but fuck that.  He'd screwed me over.  Well, not really.  But the thought was there.

I headed up the drive as quickly as I could to get away from whatever Alex was going to say next, but I was still close enough to hear Nick say, 

"Damn, Alex.  Are you sure she's not the one who punched you in the face?"

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