Chapter 2

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“Alexa, we’re here,” Scarlett says shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and look out the car window. We're parked near a large sign that says Camp Legend. Scarlett turns the car off and we get out to unload the trunk. As we step off the parking lot I look around. The camp looks huge, and it’s surrounded by tall trees, which help shade and hide it well.

 “The counselor cabins are on the other side of camp,” Scarlett points out walking ahead. I follow behind her not wanting to get lost. We pass a rock climbing tower, two buildings, basketball and tennis courts then a huge field toward 8 small cabins. I’m out of breath and my arms hurt by the time we reach the cabins.

 “We share Cabin 4,” Scarlett says walking up the steps to a small cabin with the number four painted on the door. I’m just about to follow her when one of my bags slip from my hand.

 “Do you need some help with that?” An unfamiliar, deep, accented voice says from behind me. I turn around to see a tall guy with tattoos going up one arm. He pushes his curls back away from his face and looks at me with his green eyes. He smiles and I notice a dimple on one of his cheeks.

 “Yes, please,” I manage to say. He picks up my bag along with taking my other bags and we walk up to Cabin 4.

 “I’m Harry, by the way,” He says as we reach the top of the stairs.

 “I’m Alexa,” I say returning his never ending smile.

 I step into the cabin with Harry following behind me. There’s two beds on both sides of the room with trunks at the end of each bed. On my left is a small bathroom that has a toilet, sink, and shower crammed close together in the small space.

 Scarlett is on the bed to the left looking down at her phone. Harry sets my things on the bed opposite her.

 “Aw, look at you making friends already,” Scarlett teases looking up.

 “I’m Harry,” Harry introduces himself holding out his hand.

 Scarlett shakes his hand and says, “I’m Scarlett. You must be one of the other newbies like Alexa.”

 “Yeah, I arrived here from England yesterday,” He says.

 “British guys are so hot,” Scarlett says looking Harry up and down. She’s looking at him like he’s a play toy. Typical. Harry shifts uncomfortably at her comment.

 “Why did you come all the way to Canada? I’m sure there’s tons of better camps in Europe you could have gone to,” I say trying to change the subject.

 “Muskoka seemed like a good place to get away from things and meet new people. It gets boring in England, and cold,” He says with a smile that displays his dimples. “I better get going… I’ll see you ladies at dinner…” He adds looking down at his shoes.

 “Yeah. Or you could come here for dinner and have something else to eat,” Scarlett says biting her lip. Harry’s eyes go wide and she laughs.

“Scarlett!” I scold her. I’m just as horrified as Harry, “that’s just-“

“Whatever, you guys need to lighten up I’m just joking,” She laughs. She gets up and walks into the bathroom leaving me with a horrified Harry. 

“I am so sorry about her,” I apologize turning towards Harry.

“Um… It’s fine,” Harry says looking at his feet.

“I’ll see you at dinner then?” I ask. He looks up and smiles at me.

“Yeah. See you at dinner, Alexa” He says walking out of the cabin. Scarlett bursts into laughter in the bathroom once she hears the door close.

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