Chapter 14

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“Can you help me with my life jacket?” Thalia asks me as I hand out life jackets to everyone. I walk over to her and pull the straps tight around her small torso.

“Thank you,” She smiles and walks over to Harry, who’s helping everyone choose paddles for their kayaks.

When I finish handing out life jackets I join everyone else. Harry’s showing everyone how to use the paddles for the kayak, and we all practice rowing before we actually use them.

Harry finishes his instructions and I help him with getting everyone their own kayaks. There are smaller ones that are easier for the smaller kids to use so I make sure Angeli and Tatum get those ones. We drag our kayaks into the water and Harry tells everyone to watch him so he can show everyone how to get in them properly. He falls as he tries to get into his kayak and most of the campers burst into laughter.

“Wow Harry, that was a great example of how not to get into a kayak,” I laugh. He smirks as he shakes his head when he stands up. The two youngest kids fall as they get into their kayaks and I try my best not to laugh as I help them get in properly.

We do some practice exercises with the campers so they get used to moving around in a kayak. Once everyone knows how to turn and paddle forward, we start paddling down the lake.

Harry and I are both at the front to lead everyone.

“Try not to fall again,” I tease him once we’re halfway down the lake.

“If I fall you’re coming down with me,” He smiles. He’s crazy if he thinks that’s going to happen.

“Can we take a break?” Angeli’s small voice asks from behind us.

“My arms are tired,” Hannah complains.

I turn to Harry and say, “We can’t stop in the middle of the lake, right?”

“Why not,” He says. He turns a bit so he’s facing everyone and says a bit louder, “Choose a buddy and hold onto their kayak so you’re floating together. We can stop and rest for ten minutes.”

Harry grabs ahold of the side of my kayak and pulls me towards him.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I said to get a buddy, didn’t I?” He laughs.

“What if I don’t want to be your buddy?”

“Too bad.”

I laugh at how insistent he is. Everyone else is chatting quietly. I can hear Jem’s laugh and turn to see him laughing at something Thalia said. I smile as I look around and see everyone smiling and laughing.

“What are you smiling at?” Harry asks beside me.


“It’s so nice out here.”

I turn to him and say, “I know, that’s part of why I was smiling.”

“What was the other part?”

“You falling again,” I answer and push his kayak over. Harry tips back and lets go of mine  as he falls into the water.

The campers behind me burst into laughter and I join them. Harry resurfaces and splashes water at me.

“What was that for!” He shouts shocked, but clearly amused.

“Nothing, I just wanted to see you fall again,” I laugh. Harry swims over to me with a smirk on his face that says he’s up to no good.

“Harry!” I scream as he tips my kayak over, just like I did to his. I splash into the water right next to him as everyone laughs. When I come back to the surface I laugh too. I splash water at Harry, which just makes him splash even more back.

“Can you help me with my kayak?” I ask him once we’re done goofing off.

“No,” He laughs.

“Please,” I bat my eyelashes. He laughs again then helps me flip my kayak over without getting water in it. He helps me hoist myself onto it while holding the edge so it doesn’t tip over. I thank him then hold the side of his kayak so it doesn’t tip as he gets in.

Once he’s settled in his kayak he tells everyone that break’s over.

We get back to shore just before lunch. As I help put the life jackets back the lunch bell rings. I don’t feel like changing, so I decide to leave my damp clothes on. It’s not like they’re dripping wet anymore. They’ll completely dry eventually.

“Are you going to change into something dry?” Harry asks as I walk towards the mess hall.

“No, they’re mostly dry anyway,” I reply as he looks at my damp tank top and shorts. They’re slightly clinging to my body in spots that are really wet, but I don’t really mind.

He laughs and slightly shakes his head as he walks towards his cabin.

“Why are you all wet?” Ava asks me at our regular table during lunch.

“Harry tipped my kayak over and I fell into the water,” I answer before taking a bite form the sandwiches that were provided for lunch.

“What an ass! Why would he tip your kayak over?” Madalyn asks.

“He probably wanted to see her in a wet tank top,” Scarlett jokes.

“Actually, he tipped it over because I pushed him out of his first,” I reply and slightly blush at Scarlett’s comment. She has such a dirty mind…

“Why did you push him?” Madalyn asks amused.

“Why not?” I laugh.

I get the feeling that I’m being watched so I look over my shoulder and see Harry staring at me. He’s sitting with Niall a couple tables away. He smiles and looks down at his hands when I catch him staring.

Scarlett nudges me and I turn back around to see she’s smirking at me.

“So cute,” She says quiet enough that I’m the only who hears her.

“Why didn’t you change your clothes? It looks like Harry did,” Ava points out.

“I didn’t feel like it,” I reply.

“You could’ve ‘changed’ together,” Scarlett says winking at me. I turn bright red at the thought of it. I tell her to shut up as Liam walks past our table.

“Hey Ava,” He smiles ignoring everyone but her as he walks by.

“Hey,” She blushes then quickly adverts her eyes to her place.

“Nice blush,” Scarlett points out once Liam’s sitting with Harry and Niall.

“How can you tell when her skin’s so dark?” Madalyn asks laughing.

“That’s racist,” I say trying to hide my laugh.

“No, it’s observant,” Madalyn says laughing harder as Ava starts laughing as well.

“She’s not even that dark, if you look closely- you know what, screw you guys,” Scarlett scoffs as she crosses her hands over her chest. She looks away trying to hide her own smile. Soon we’re all laughing so hard that I get the hiccups- which makes us laugh even more.

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