Chapter 9

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“Can you take both our groups to movie night later tonight?” Scarlett asks at dinner.

“Why can’t you take them?” I ask annoyed. I put two pieces of pizza on my plate and take a bite out of one.

“Because Niall asked me to meet him at the soccer field tonight,” She explains.

“Sounds like a date to me. What would Calvin think?” I tease.

“It’s just a friendly hangout,” She says trying to defend herself and I laugh.

“Alright maybe it’s a date,” She admits, “But Calvin doesn’t need to know!”

“You can’t just go on dates with other guys when your boyfriends not around. That’s still considered cheating,” I sigh.

“Calvin’s never taken me on a proper date. It’s his fault that his idea of a date is making out and fucking in the back of his truck!” She exclaims.

“Does Niall even know you’re taken?” I ask ignoring what she just said. Even if Calvin does deserve it, Niall doesn’t deserve being the guy that she uses to cheat with.

“No… But I’m going to break up with Calvin before Niall even finds out,” She says picking up her pop can and taking a sip from it.

“Before or after he comes to visit you during break?”

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll have it all figured out by then. So can you take my group for me or not?” She asks annoyed.

“I guess,” I reluctantly agree, “But you owe me.”

“Are you ready to lose?” Harry teases me the next morning at the docks.

“Ha, good one,” I roll my eyes and smile. Last night I didn’t get the chance to ask Scarlett about her date with Niall because she didn’t get back by the time I fell asleep. This morning I didn’t see her at breakfast either, so she better tell me about it later tonight.

I look around the dock making sure everyone is here. Thalia is the only one missing.

“Where’s Thalia? I saw her at breakfast, did she go back to her cabin?” I ask the group.

“I asked her if she wanted to walk here with me but she said she isn’t coming,” Jem says disappointed.

 “I’ll go get her. Do you know what cabin she’s in?” I ask my little brother.

“Cabin 4C,” He replies.

I thank him and walk down the dock towards the girls cabin. When I get to cabin 4C I knock on the door. There’s no answer.

“Thalia are you in there?” I call out as I turn the doorknob to enter. No one answers and I step inside the cabin.

My eyes scan the room for Thalia. They land on a lump of blankets at the bottom of the bunk bed in the corner. I walk over to that bunk and sit beside the “pile” of blankets.

“Thalia, I know you’re in there,” I say. I hear a sigh from under the blankets.

“Come out and tell me what’s wrong, I won’t judge,” I say.

“No,” She says muffled.

“Why not? You can trust me.”

She takes the blankets off her and sits up beside me. She looks down at her hands in her lap and says, “I don’t want to go because I don’t know how to swim.”

“We can teach you how,” I offer.

“No, then everyone will know. It’s too embarrassing,” She sniffles and I notice she’s crying.

“Oh, honey,” I put my arms around her, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I didn’t learn how to swim until I was 14; it’s not so bad. There are tons of kids who don’t know how to swim.”

“Really?” She says looking at me with her watery green eyes.

“Yup. Even ask Jem,” I laugh, “ So just come to the docks, you don’t have to swim if you don’t want to.”

“Okay,” She says wiping her eyes. We stand up from the bunks and walk back to the docks.

Harry’s P.O.V

“Can we go in yet?” Angeli from my group asks.

“Not yet, sweetie,” I answer. I look back at the cabins and still don’t see Alexa. It hasn’t been that long but it shouldn’t take 10 minutes to find an 11 year old girl.

Jem sits down beside me on the dock.

“What’s up, buddy?” I ask him.

“Nothing. When do you think Alexa is going to be back?” He asks looking at me with his big blue eyes. They’re the same bright blue as Alexa’s, but hers are a deeper, prettier blue.

“I’m not sure. Soon I hope,” I say looking back at the cabins to see if Alexa has come back yet.

“Why, do you miss her?” He asks innocently.

“What? No,” I deny too quickly.

“Are you sure about that?” Jem laughs. I don’t miss her and even if I did I wouldn’t be telling her 10 year old brother that.

I finally see Thalia and Alexa walking towards the docks.

“Thalia’s not going to be going in the water today, she’s not feeling well,” Alexa explains, Thalia looks at her shoes as Alexa talks.

“I don’t want to swim either,” Jem says standing beside Thalia.

“But you love swimming,” Alexa says.

“I don’t feel like it today.”

“Okay, you two can sit on the docks then while everyone else is in the water,” I say. I turn to the rest of the campers and tell them they can finally get in the water.

I help Angeli in the water and look over at Alexa to see if she’s going to come over and stand with me, but she’s sitting with Jem and Thalia on the docks. I was hoping she would watch the race with me so I could tease her about winning. I don’t really care if I win against her, I just like bugging her about it.

“Do you guys still want to race or do you want to just swim,” I ask the rest of the campers.

“Race!” Tatum and a few others shout.

“Okay, everyone line up on this side of the dock. When I say go, swim to the other side and the first team on the other side wins,” I explain pointing to where I’m standing. Everyone swims over to me. Angeli and Tatum look like they’re going to have the most trouble swimming because they’re really slow and are having trouble keeping their heads above the water.

“On your mark, get set, go!” I shout and everyone starts swimming. I look back over at Alexa and see that she’s laughing, she has her head tilted back and her eyes squinted as she laughs. It’s actually kind of cute.

I turn my attention back on the lake as Matt and Brooke make it across to the other side of the dock first. Ryder and Hannah are next to reach the other side. I was right about Tatum and Angeli, they’re both in the middle between the two docks having trouble swimming.

“C’mon Angeli and Tatum you can do it! You’re half way!” I cheer them on and a few others join in.

Angeli starts to struggle keeping her head above the water. She goes under once and when she goes under again she grabs Tatum pulling him down with her.

“Help!” She screams as her and Tatum goes under the water again.

I immediately jump into the water to help them.

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