Chapter 11

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Harry and I just stare at each other both of us not knowing what to do. He grabs another flashlight and hands it to me. I thank him quietly.

“I’ll do the boys cabins and you do the girls,” He says then walks out of the shack without another glace at me.

“Harry wait,” I call after him. He stops but doesn’t turn around.

“I’m so sorry about earlier today. I wanted to jump in and help you, but I was so scared I couldn’t move. You’re right; I shouldn’t have sat on the docks with Thalia and Jem. I should’ve been watching the campers with you. So I’m sorry,” I say holding back tears. I’m not going to let him see me cry again.

His muscular shoulders rise and fall as he sighs. “Okay,” Is all he says and he starts walking away again.

I walk through the cluster of girl’s cabins and have yet to find anyone out of bed. I walk around the cabins twice not wanting to go back to the shack. I don’t want to accidentally run into Harry there. I can tell he’s still mad at me and I feel awful for it.

I’m about to walk around a third time but decide against it. As I’m walking towards the shack I see a light heading in the same direction as well. I instantly regret not walking around a third time.

I’m guessing Harry noticed me walking because the light is now heading towards me. He finally reaches me but he doesn’t say anything. We just walk in silence towards the shack together.

When we reach the shack Harry stands in front of door blocking my way. I shine my flashlight up at his face confused and annoyed.

“Harry, what are you doing? Move,” I say. I try to move past him but he just steps in front of me again.

“No, I want to talk to you first,” He says.

“Okay, then talk,” I cross my arms over my chest.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you. I shouldn’t have done that in the first place, I was just angry and I lost it,” He says looking at me with his green eyes.

“Okay,” I say unsure of how to respond. I don’t know if I should accept his apology or just keep ignoring him. Seeing him that angry was terrifying, especially when that anger was because of me.

“Can we go back to normal now?” He asks with a hopeful smile that shows his dimple.

“You mean back to me kicking your ass?” I laugh. He smiles and nods his head.


“Okay,” He says and finally steps out of the way. We put our flashlights away and walk back to our cabins together.

When we’re outside my cabin we both stop.

“So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” I ask turning towards him. He nods his head and smiles, “Yeah.”

“Goodnight Harry,” I say and turn to go into my cabin. Harry grabs my arm and turns me around so I’m facing him. He leans down so close to my lips that if I tilted my head up our lips would touch. I want to kiss him but I don’t, which doesn’t even make sense.

“Harry I don’t think you should do that,” I say before he can get any closer. He pulls away looking hurt.

“Why not?” He asks.

“Remember what happened last time?” I say trying to joke around and lighten the mood.

“Yeah, but now we’re alone and everyone’s sleeping,” He smirks.

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