Chapter 3

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I’m awoken in the middle of the night by a hand covering my mouth and two other hands holding my shoulders down. A blindfold is placed over my eyes and my hands are tied together in front of me. I was blindfolded before I was able to get a good look at who was holding me down. I scream and struggle against their strength trying to free myself. I’m panicking, what the hell is going on? Did they get Scarlett too? Of course not, I would hear her yelling if they did.

“Put her shoes on and bring her outside with the others,” I hear Scarlett instruct. Now I know why I didn't hear her scream, she was behind this stupid thing. What the hell is she even talking about "the others"? This is probably some lame initiation prank. If it's anything like the one she did last year to the grade 9's then I hope there's some way I can get out of it. Her initiation prank last year mentally scarred one of them because it was so cruel. 

I feel shoes being slipped on my feet, and then I’m being pulled up on them once they’re on. I’m guided outside with the "others" Scarlett was talking about earlier. Once we’re outside I feel a breeze of cold air on my bare legs reminding me I slept with an oversized t-shirt on. I should’ve slept at least with shorts on, but then again I wasn’t expecting to be pulled out of bed in the middle of the night. 

“Get off me!” I hear a deep, angry, accented voice yell. It sounds like they're struggling to keep Harry under control. They probably blindfolded and tied him up too, whoever they are. I hear a whimper beside me and can only guess it came from Ava since she's the only other female newbie this year. Unless it's Niall who's whimpering, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who cries. From what I've seen, he's always smiling. It's like frowning or crying isn't an option with that kid.

 “Stop being a pain in the ass, Harry,” I hear Madalyn say.

 The hands on my arm tighten and guide me forward. We’re taken in silence with the occasional grunt and some whimpers from Ava for what seems like hours. It’s probably only been about 15 minutes though. By the sound of twigs breaking and leaves crunching I can only guess that they are taking us into the forest.

 The hand on my arm tugs me to a stop then pushes me forward so hard that I fall onto my hands and knees.

 “Listen up you little shits,” I hear a voice from behind me shout. I quickly pull my blindfold down and turn around to see that the voice came from Louis. Scarlett, Madalyn, Zayn and Liam are standing with him staring at us with smirks that show they’re up to no good.

 I turn to my right to see Niall with an amused expression and Ava on her knees crying. At least both of them were smart enough to wear pants to bed. I look to my right and see Harry sitting on the ground looking defeated; he’s only in his boxers. He looks absolutely furious and it’s a bit frightening.

 “Don’t even think about it, Styles,” Zayn warns Harry noticing his deadly glare.

 “Here is what’s going to happen,” Louis says rubbing his hands together in front of him, “Since you’re new here you have to earn your place. We’re giving you a map and a flashlight and you have to find you way back to camp. If you find your way back before breakfast then congrats. If you don’t, you’ll get shunned for the rest of the summer if you don’t make it back. Got it? Good luck newbies.”

 Louis and everyone else run off in all directions with their own flashlights, making it harder to know which direction we came from.  It’s dark and the moon is our only source of light until we turn the flashlight on. I stay sitting on the ground and try to unknot the rope around my wrists. They left us tied when they ran; everyone else didn’t have much trouble getting theirs untied. However, I’m having more difficulty.

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