Chapter 8

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Over the next few days my group has won every competition and game against every group but Group 2. Which is Harry’s group. I haven’t gotten the chance to compete against him, or talk to him. Mostly because I’m kind of ignoring him. I’m afraid that if I talk to him he’ll bring up the “kiss”. If you can even call it that.

At breakfast I’m about to ask Scarlett if she wants to race today but before anything can come out of my mouth she says, “No I won’t compete against your group. Or Harry’s.”

“What, what?” I whine.

“Because you two are unbeatable and I’m tired of losing,” She answers putting a hash brown in her mouth.

“Harry’s never lost either?”

“Nope. No one wants to play against either of you,” She says, “So you can go ask him because everyone’s tired of losing.”

“Fine, whatever,” I sigh. I was going to have to face him sooner or later. I get up from our breakfast table and walk over to Harry’s.

“Hey,” He smiles as I sit down next to him.

“Haven’t seen you in a while,” He adds.

“I know,” I say, “Want to play a soccer game with our groups after breakfast?”

“Sure. But I hope you know that I’ve never been beat,” He smirks.

“Well unfortunately for you, neither have I.”

“Then it’s going to be a tough game.”

“I guess so,” I smile, “Or a very easy one for me.”

“How so?” He asks raising his eyebrow.

“You told me you were terrible at soccer,” I point out.

“Good thing my group’s better at it than I am,” He laughs, “Just tell your group to meet at the soccer field after breakfast and I’ll tell mine the same.”

I nod my head and go find the campers in my group to tell them our morning plan.

During our soccer game this morning Harry and I didn’t play on our groups teams like Scarlett and I did. We ended up with a tie for two games. I’m about to tell our groups to head to the mess hall for lunch when Harry says, “We can’t leave it as a tie!”

“Why not?” Thalia asks obviously exhausted. She got very involved in our games today.

“Because one of us has to win!” He says throwing his hands up irritated.

“We don’t have time for another game, Harry,” I point out. We have 15 minutes until the bell rings for lunch.

“Sudden death,” He says smiling as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“I’m not killing you just for a stupid game,” I say. I don’t actually know what ‘sudden death’ is, but it doesn’t sound very friendly.

“Sudden death is when you play until a goal is scored and whoever scores wins then the game ends. If no goal is scored in 15 minutes it goes into shoot out and the players on the field go one by one taking a shot at the net,” Harry explains.

“Okay, you’re on,” I challenge. The campers sigh and head back onto the field.

15 minutes go by and none of our groups have made a goal.

“It’s been 15 minutes Harry, lets just go for lunch,” I tell him.

“No. We do the shoot out next,” He says to me. He turns to the teams and shouts, “Line up, it’s time for shoot out!”

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