Chapter 15

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Harry’s P.O.V

“I think she’s hiding something from me,” Niall says in our cabin. I just finished my night patrol and just got back a few minutes ago.

“What do you mean?” I ask. I’m not used to seeing Niall so upset over something, especially not a girl. He’s usually so carefree.

“Scarlett, man. She’s just- I don’t know. The way she looks at me sometimes. I feel like she wants to tell me something, but it’s like she’s holding it back. I want her to be able to tell me anything. I don’t think she trusts me,” Niall explains. When he’s done he lets out a sigh and puts his head in his hands. I cross the room and sit next to him on his bed. I pat him on the back and try to comfort him the best I can.

“Just give her time, mate. I’m sure when she’s ready she’ll open up and tell you,” I say hopefully trying to make him feel better. Watching him get upset is freaking me out.

“Yeah I guess so. It’s going to be driving me nuts though. I don’t want to wait. I do all these nice things for her, but she can’t tell me what’s on her mind?” He asks looking up from his hands.

“I don’t know, man. Girls are weird,” I say with a small smile. Niall returns my smile with one of his own.

“Speaking of girls, what happened with you and Alexa today? She was soaked at lunch, and you came in late wearing different clothes,” Niall points out. It didn’t take long for him to cheer up and get back to his happy self.

“She pushed me in the water so I pushed her back, no big deal,” I try to brush him off. I get up from his bed and walk over to my dresser.

“Do you like her? You were practically burning a hole in the back of her head with how intense you were staring, bro,” Niall laughs. I pull sweatpants out of one of the drawers and walk over to my bed.

“No I wasn’t, and I don’t like her, not how you think anyways,” I deny even though it’s true. I slip off the shorts I’m wearing and pull on the sweatpants I just grabbed.

“You’re such a liar,” Niall laughs even harder. There’s no way I’m going to tell Niall about my feelings for Alexa. He’ll never let me hear the end of it. He’ll tease me about it and then tell everyone. I don’t want anyone knowing, especially Alexa.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he told Alexa himself. I don’t want her to be freaked out if she found out. I don’t even know if she likes me back. I hope she does. If she didn’t then she wouldn’t have kissed me back all those times, right?

“I’m not lying, she’s just some girl I barely know,” I tell him. No matter how little my feelings are for her, I can’t let him know about them. He’s my best mate, but he’s got a big mouth. I don’t want him spreading my secrets. It’s hard enough to tell him something without drastically changing it. I told him about the kiss in the forest and he completely changed what I said. I never said Alexa was all over me, that was him twisting me words.

“Yeah, just some girl you constantly stare at when she’s not looking.”
“You do the same to Scarlett,” I fire back. “Does she even know how you feel?”

“Well no, but I don’t have to tell her how I feel when I just show her,” He says winking at me.

“Whatever, man,” I say climbing into my bed.

Alexa’s P.O.V

“I wish I could go with you for skit night, it’s always so much fun,” Scarlett says at dinner the next day. Last night she wouldn’t shut up about Niall. I was grateful she finally left me alone about Harry.

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