Chapter 4

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When I walk into my cabin it’s already 4:45 am and Scarlett is already passed out in her bed. I’m tempted to mess with her but decide against it. I change my dirty clothes, this time putting pajama pants on. I climb into bed and instantly fall asleep.

My alarm wakes me up at 7:00am. I roll over and shut it off. I turn towards Scarlett’s bed and see that she’s no longer there. She always wakes up much earlier than me so I’m not surprised.

I get up out of bed and decide to shower. I’m still covered in dirt from last night and my hair is filled with knots. I also still have to treat my red ant bites, but I’ll do it after breakfast. They don’t sting like they used to but now they itch and are really irritating.

When I’m done my shower I decide on a tank top and shorts. They don’t rub against my bites like pants would. When I look in the mirror I can clearly see all the bites on my legs, and most of the ones on my back. They don’t look as bad as I thought, they’re just white bumps. I finish getting ready and head to the mess hall.

I see Harry walking to the mess hall as well. He’s a bit ahead of me so I run to catch up with him.

“Good morning,” I say. He looks at me and smiles.

“Hey,” He says sounding tired. I wouldn’t blame him I’m exhausted too.

“Did Niall and Ava get back last night?” I ask.

“I don’t know. Niall didn’t come to our cabin at all so I’m going to the mess hall to check if they’re there,” Harry answers running a hand through his brown hair. I notice he’s wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans. It’s only 7:30am and it’s really warm. How is he wearing that when it’s getting so hot?

“They should be back. I mean, they were the ones with the map,” I point out.

“And the flashlight,” He adds smiling.

We reach the mess hall and Harry holds open the door for me. We walk into the mess hall and see Niall and Ava covered in dirt. All the other counselors are surrounding them talking all at once. When Scarlett notices me her eyes widen.

“What happened to your legs?” She gasps. The room goes dead silent and everyone stares at me.

“Where were you guys?” I ask trying to get all the attention off me.

“In the forest where you ditched us,” Niall scoffs. I look at him and notice his left eye is slightly bruised from where Harry punched him last night.

“Ditched you? You’re the ones who ditched us and took that bloody map and the flashlight with you,” Harry says angrily.

“Whatever mate, I don’t want to fight with you,” Niall sighs.

“Didn’t stop us last night,” Harry retorts crossing his arms across his chest.

“Is that where the black eye came from?” Zayn laughs, “Dude, you’re such a liar. I knew it wasn’t from a dumb tree branch.”

Ava ignores the boys and turns to me and explains, “You guys walked away from us after the fight and when we went to go check on you we couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“On the bright side,” Louis cuts in, “You all made it back before breakfast. Congratulations.”

“Seriously Alexa, what happened to you? You’re covered in bumps!” Scarlett shrieks obviously worried. She rushes over to me.

“She got bitten by at least 10 red ants, actually,” Ava says sourly. She grabs my arm and pulls me with her out of the mess hall before Scarlett can say anything. Ava is still pulling me with her when we get outside. She heads towards the girls cabins.

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