Chapter 16

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I’m surprised when Alexa sits beside me as the first group goes onto the stage to present their skit. She seemed upset that I threw Louis to the ground, so I expected her to ignore me. Whenever she’s upset with me she always tries to ignore me. But here she is, sitting next to me. She’s so close I can smell her vanilla scented perfume and I look over at her unable to help myself. She has her deep blue eyes focused on the stage.

“Thanks,” She says quietly, her eyes never leaving the stage. She looks at me when I don’t reply, “For standing up for me.”

“You’re welcome, even though you looked mad when I did it,” I say confused. She basically yelled at me after I threw Louis off the bench and now she’s thanking me for it. I’ll never understand her.

“I was only mad that you almost hurt him, especially in front of all these young kids. That’s something they don’t need to see, Harry,” She says and adverts her eyes back to the stage. I nod even though she’s no longer looking at me.

I want to keep talking to her, there’s so much more I want to say. I want to tell her that I’ll always stand up for her, and how she can always come to me for anything. I want to tell her how beautiful she looks with her hair down and how bad I want to kiss away her frown. But I don’t tell her any of that. I can’t.

“What?” She says catching me staring at her.

“Nothing,” I say quickly looking away.

The first group steps onto the stage. I can only recognize Tatum and Angeli out of the group of 5. The other 3 are from Zayn and Louis group. I barely pay attention to the beginning of their skit. It’s mostly the other 3 talking and pretending to rock climb. I stop watching until what Angeli says 5 minutes into their skit catches my attention.

“Hey Harry, I’m going to kick your butt today,” She says to Tatum. It takes me a second to realize they’re pretending to be me and Alexa. I briefly glance over to Alexa and see her smiling

“Shut up Alexa, we’re going to win,” Tatum says crossing his arms and stomping his foot. I’m slightly offended, I don’t cross my arms or stomp my feet. I look at my arms and notice that they’re crossed. Well at least I don’t stomp my feet.

Angeli takes a step towards him and says, “No you’re not.”

“Yeah because I’m going to let you win, but it’s only because you’re pretty,” Tatum says smiling. I can feel my cheeks burn and hope Alexa can’t see how red they are.

“You’re so cute Harry,” Angeli squeals and flings her arms around Tatum. They start making kissing noises and mumble I love you. I’m so embarrassed I run onto the stage and separate them.

“That’s enough,” I say as most of the kids burst into giggles.

“Next group,” I say walking Tatum and Angeli off the stage. I stop them on the way back to their seats and pull them off to the side away from everyone else.

“I’m not getting you in trouble or anything,” I assure them when I see the panicked look on Angeli’s face. “I just wanted to tell you that what you did up there wasn’t very appropriate.”

“But it’s what you and Alexa do,” Tatum says.

“No it’s not, even if it was, it’s not something that’s okay to display in front of everyone,” I say. They both mumble an apology and walk back to their seats that are in front of the stage.

I return to my seat next to Alexa as the next group goes on stage.

“What was that about?” Alexa asks referring to why I pulled Angeli and Tatum aside.

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