Chapter 19

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“Who’s this guy?” Niall asks as he stands beside Scarlett. To make things worse, he isn’t wearing a shirt and the zipper of his pants are undone. Calvins fists clenches and he starts breathing heavily. He looks back and forth between Scarlett and Niall.

“Are you fucking cheating on me?” Calvin yells.


“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Calvin yells cutting Scarlett off.

“Who is this Scarlett?” Niall asks completely confused. I wish he would just keep his mouth shut. It looks like Calvin is ready to punch someone.

“I’m her boyfriend,” Calvin says crossing his arms as he glares at Niall.

“Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?” Niall asks angrily turning to Scarlett.

“I’m sorry! I just-“

“Fuck this! I can’t believe you! What happened to ‘I love you’ and ‘we’re going to be together forever’? Fuck you. We’re fucking over,” Calvin rants. Scarlett has tears streaming down her cheeks, completely ruining her mascara. Calvin walks away without another glance at Scarlett. He slams the door on his way out.

Niall doesn’t say anything as he shakes his head and gathers the rest of his clothes from the bathroom. On his way out he doesn’t look her in the eye as he asks, “Why’d you have to cheat on him with me?”

“I don’t know. I ‘m sorry,” she replies still crying.

“I’m sorry too,” he says as he walks out. Scarlett and I are the only ones left in the empty hall. I want to comfort her but at the same time I want to say that I told her so.

“Scarlett…” I say as I reach out for her. She’s my best friend and even though I warned her and I’m a bit ticked off that she didn’t listen, I can’t just leave her when she needs me.

“What? Are you going to rub it in my face that you were right? I shouldn’t have cheated but I did. I don’t need a lecture right now because I know what I did was wrong and now I have to pay for the consequences,” Scarlett says through tears as she crosses her arms. She starts walking away but I grab her arm to stop her.

“I’m not going to lecture you. I know that’s the last thing you need right now. Come here, you need a friend right now and it’s my job as your best friend to be there for you,” I say. Scarlett just looks at me as she nods her head understandingly as I wrap my arms around her. We stand there for a moment then we go back to our cabin. We don’t say another word the entire time back.

For the next two days Scarlett just lays in bed. She didn’t get up to say goodbye to the campers the day they left. She doesn’t get up for meals. To make sure she eats something I have to bring food to her. It’s usually only a few bites. It’s like she’s in a whole other world. I’ve never seen her like this and I’m trying my best to handle it. Madelyn and Ava even come by a couple times during the day to check-in on her to make sure she’s okay. It’s obvious she’s not, but they’re helping the best they can.

With most of the campers gone there isn’t much to do anymore. Tatum, Jem, Thalia and a few others are the only kids who didn’t leave. Since so few stayed only one or two counselors have to watch them. I’ve only taken the small group kayaking once, the entire time I was worried about Scarlett. I don’t know how to get her to open up and act like herself again. I understand it will take time for her to get over it, so I’m trying my best to give her space. It’s hard to give someone you care about space when you want to help them feel better.

Harrys P.O.V

It took me almost 30 minutes to get Niall to tell me what he was yelling about the night he got back from the celebrations. He just kept rambling on mumbling things like “I can’t believe she had a boyfriend”, “she cheated on him with me”, “what the fuck”. I guessed it was about Scarlett but I still tried to get him to tell me. When Niall finally did tell me what the hell was going on he almost started crying. I felt bad for the lad, honestly.

For two days Niall’s tried to pretend that none of it has bothered him, but I can tell it’s tearing him apart on the inside. He’s usually so up beat and happy. He doesn’t know how to fake a smile because he’s always wearing a genuine one so you can tell when he’s faking it. I haven’t seen a real smile from him since Thursday night before the bonfire.

Tonight we’re all going out to dinner for Maggie’s birthday. We’re going into town to a fancy restaurant to celebrate. Since I’ve been in Canada I haven’t had any time to explore the city, neither has Niall. We came straight to camp from the airport with only a couple stops in between. Other than that we haven’t been out. My only concern with tonight is how Nialls going to act around Scarlett.

“Niall, you ready to go?” I ask as I put on my brown leather boots. We need to dress nicely for the restaurant we’re going to. I didn’t pack my best clothes so I tried to put on my nicest things. I found a white dress shirt in my bag so I decided to wear that with black skinny jeans. You can wear anything with black skinny jeans.

I walk out of the bathroom to check on Niall and he isn’t even dressed. He’s sitting on the edge of his bed in his underwear staring at his feet.

“I can’t do it. I can’t go. Scarlett will be there. I don’t know if I can even face her,” he whispers mostly to himself.

“Niall you have to go, who cares about her? You can’t let some girl hold you back! C’mon Niall, just go. Do it for Maggie,” I say trying to convince him. He takes his eyes off his feet and looks up at me.

“I can’t,” he says, hurt clear in his voice.

“Yes you can. You’re not doing this alone. I’m right here,” I say walking to stand in front of him.

“Okay,” he says looking back down at his feet. I grab some of his nicer clothes and help him get dressed.

“Sorry we’re late,” I say to Maggie as Niall and I rush up to the group outside the mess hall.

“Don’t worry, you’re not the only ones,” Maggie says annoyed. I scan the small group and notice Scarlett and Alexa aren’t here yet.

“I can go get the girls,” I offer.

“Here they come,” Maggie says looking out at the field. I follow her gaze and see two figures rushing towards us. When they reach us I can’t help but notice how beautiful Alexa looks. Her hair’s left down in waves and she’s wearing a black lace top with a black flowing skirt that reaches her mid thighs.

“I don’t think jeans count as formal clothing,” Alexa teases as she stands beside me.

“Says the girl wearing converse with a skirt,” I tease back and smile.

“Shut up, I didn’t have any other shoes,” She says.

“And I didn’t have any other pants,” I reply and we both laugh.

“We’ll be taking two vans to the restaurant. All campers will go in one van and everyone else in the other. I need at least one counselor in the van with the campers,” Maggie explains.

“Me and Scarlett can go with the kids,” Alexa offers and walks over to the kids.

“See you at the restaurant,” I say with a wink as Alexa walks away.

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