Chapter 18

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We go around the rows and whoever wants to tell a “scary story” is allowed to share with the rest of us. The stories aren’t that scary since most of the young kids volunteer, most of them are adorable. For an hour we tell ghost stories until everyone starts to get bored and we run out of stories.

Blake says that it’s time to start s’mores. By starting the s’mores he means two counselors and a few older kids making them for everyone else. Unfortunately Blake asks Louis and I to do this job while Harry puts on music and helps hand out napkins.

I sit beside Louis on the ground with a marshmallow bag between us and a metal rod in my hand to roast the marshmallows.

“Having fun yet?” Louis asks as I put a marshmallow on the rod.

“Tons,” I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

“I thought it would be a lot less interesting than this to be honest.”


“I don’t know. I didn’t think there was much to do at a campfire other than stare at the fire pit,” Louis admits and I laugh. He continues, “It would have been way more boring if you weren’t here.”

“Why’s that?” I ask.

“Everything’s more interesting when a pretty girl is involved,” He says giving me one of his most charming smiles. I don’t know how to reply to that so I just laugh and put my focus back on the roasting marshmallows.

“Do you know how beautiful you look right now,” He says brushing my hair behind my ear. I’m about to respond when Harry clears his throat behind us.

“I can take it from here,” He says grabbing the metal rod from Louis hands.

“Blake wants to talk to you.” Harry adds. Louis laughs and shakes his head as he stands.

“Jealous bastard,” Louis says under his breath as he walks past me towards Blake.

Harry sits beside me where Louis was without saying another word.

I take my marshmallow from the fire and grab crackers to make a s’mores. I nearly drop everything trying to put the stupid thing together.

“Need some help?” Harry asks. This is the firth thing he’s said to me all night other than his lame “hi” earlier.

“Sure,” I say as he takes the crackers from my hands. He puts a piece of chocolate on the cracker then closes the two crackers around my marshmallow. The older kids are on the other side of the fire helping make s’mores as well, they don’t seem to have as much trouble as I am. Blake doesn’t trust the younger kids around the fire, so they’re not allowed to help.

I put a new marshmallow on my metal rod then put it over the fire to cook as Harry sets my finish s’mores on a plate for someone to take.

“So… Anything new?” I ask Harry. It’s a lame attempt to make conversation really, but I’d rather have small talk than sit in silence.

“Not really,” He says staring into the fire.

“Why are you being difficult?” I ask annoyed. Here I am trying to be nice and he barely tries to make conversation back.

“I’m not being difficult!” He exclaims clearly startled by my outburst. His eyes are frantic now as they search my face, but at least he’s looking at me.

“You’re acting distant. Is it because of this morning?”

“What? No!” He says flustered. He runs a hand through his hair betraying his words. He’s such a bad liar.

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