Chapter 10

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Harry’s P.O.V

Once I’m in the water I swim towards where Tatum and Angeli went under. I shout at Alexa to help me but she doesn’t move.

I dive under the water and spot Tatum and Angeli. I grab their arms and bring them up to the surface. Angeli starts spiting out water but Tatum is limp in my arms. I tell Angeli to wrap her arms around my neck as I hold onto Tatum’s lifeless body.

I swim towards the docks where Alexa is standing wide-eyed. Why the hell didn’t she jump in with me?

I lift Tatum up onto the docks long with Angeli then pull myself up as Alexa still stands there doing nothing. I lay Tatum flat on his back then lower my head to check his heart beat. I don’t hear it beating so I start to panic.

Angeli is still coughing up water so I turn to Alexa annoyed and snap at her, “What the fuck is wrong with you? Help Angeli, don’t just stand there!”

I turn back to Tatum and lift his chin. I open his mouth and pinch his nose as I breathe into his mouth like they taught us in CPR training. I put my hands over his little chest and start chest compressions.

We were taught all this before camp started and I hoped I would never have to use it on someone, especially someone so young.

I finish the first set of 30 chest compressions and breathe into his mouth again as I pinch his nose, then start the next set. On the third set of chest compressions my vision starts to go blurry with tears because Tatum’s still not breathing. I’m about to pinch his nose again when he starts coughing out water. I sigh with relief and wipe my eyes. I help him sit up straight and rub his back saying, “It’s okay, buddy, let it out.”

He starts to cry as he coughs up water. I look over at Alexa and see that she’s staring at me with her big blue eyes. I stand up and walk over to her glaring.

“Honestly, what the fuck’s your problem? You couldn’t have gotten up off your ass and helped? One of your own damn campers almost drowned and all you could do was stand there and stare! What if I wasn’t here to jump in and save them? You’re so lucky that I was! If you weren’t sitting over there being useless maybe none of this would have happened!” I yell at her breathing heavily. I’m so angry I can’t even fucking think straight. How could she just fucking sit there as these kids nearly drowned? She didn’t even jump in to help save them.

Maybe half of this was my fault since I shouldn’t have let the two of them swim so far since they weren’t strong swimmers. She should’ve been beside me to make that decision though, instead of just sitting there.

Alexa’s eyes are filled with tears and as they start to pour down her pale cheeks I feel a little guilty about yelling at her. She opens her mouth to say something but I don’t want to hear it. I don’t really care for what excuse she’s going to tell me anyways.

I turn around and pick Angeli up off the docks, she’s still crying too. I tell my group to follow me and start to walk off the docks before she can say anything. I don’t know where we’ll go but if I’m near Alexa any longer I’m afraid I’ll snap at her again.

Alexa’s P.O.V

I watch as Harry and his group walks down the dock with tears streaming down my face. I feel extremely guilty for what just happened.

When I saw Tatum and Angeli go under the water I panicked. I wanted to help and jump in after them but I was frozen with fear and couldn’t move.

Harry was right, I should’ve been here, but I was too scared to move. I couldn’t help it.

I walk over to Tatum, who’s still sitting on the dock and kneel next to him. The rest of my campers have gathered around him to make sure he’s okay.

“Tatum, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen. It’s just that when I saw you both go under I froze and I was too scared to move. I’m so sorry,” I sniffle and hug him.

“It’s okay,” He says still crying. I help him stand up and suggest we all go get dressed and meet in the games room for a quiet afternoon.

At 10:00pm Scarlett walks into our cabin giggling.

“Hey Scarlett,” I greet her.

“Hey Alexa, are you feeling better? You haven’t run into that asshole yet have you?” She asks. I told her everything that happened at the docks during dinner and she didn’t blame me like Harry did. She’s actually just mad that he yelled at me in front of everyone.

“I feel much better, and luckily I haven’t,” I laugh as she flops down onto her bed.

“Good. Do you think you could do me a favor?” She asks as she turns over to look at me.

“What kind of favor?”

“Well tonight I’m supposed to be on night duty, but Niall invited me to his cabin to watch a movie,” She says.

“I guess. Whom are you doing night duty with?” I ask. Night duty is just walking around the cabins to make sure everyone’s in bed and not goofing around. It shouldn’t be that boring.

“I don’t know, I didn’t check. But can you please do this for me?” She begs.

“Yeah I guess. When do you have to leave for it?” I ask.

“Now,” she laughs. I roll my eyes and put my shoes on. I grab my pull over sweater as I walk out the door.

I head towards the supply shack to grab a flashlight but the door is already open and the lights on. I walk inside and see Harry holding a flashlight and stop dead in my tracks.

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