Chapter 5

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All the campers arrive around 6 the next day. My brother Jem arrived at noon. When he saw me he ran and gave me a big hug. He usually goes to camp every summer so this is the first one we get to spend together since he was 7. Jem ad I have always been close, we always hang out or go places together.

Jem doesn’t have that many friends at school, most of the kids there pick on him. The only friends Jem does have are rarely allowed to go out and play. So it’s always just been Jem and me ever since we were little. Our parents aren’t around much because they’re always working. I’ve always been the one to take care of him. I don’t mind because he’s a good kid. I just wish other kids would see him that way.

At dinner my friends didn’t mind that Jem sat with us. He was smiling from ear to ear because he was so happy. After dinner all campers and counselors had to be in the gymnasium by 7:30pm for introduction night. I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant but I’m guessing it’s a bit like what we did for our ‘introduction game’. I walk to the gymnasium with Jem and he bounces with excitement the entire way there.

Once everyone is in the gym, Maggie has all the campers sit in a circle. The counselors gather to the side for instructions from her.

“Okay guys, all I want you to do is introduce yourself in the middle of the circle. When that’s done go stand to the side, where we are now. When everyone’s done we’ll get into our groups, the ones I gave to you on the paper the other day, after that we’ll watch a movie until lights out,” Maggie explains.

There are at least 30 kids here. This is going to be extremely boring.

“Welcome campers!” Maggie shouts, “I am Maggie Wilde and I am the head supervisor of this camp. For those of you who don’t quite understand what that means, let me put it this way. If this were a school, I’d be like the principal. But unlike a principal I actually get involved with activities and have a group of you just like our lovely counselors over here. Come along, introduce yourselves counselors!” Maggie waves us over.

We all stand in the middle of the campers’ circle and introduce ourselves. Unlike our introduction night, we didn’t’ have to say our ages. Once the last counselor, which was Zayn, introduced themselves we all went back to the side.

I cross my arms in front of my chest and observe the fidgety children in the circle as I lean against the wall. I could pick out some kids who would cause trouble, such as the kid who is currently trying to tie together the shoelaces of the kid next to him. I smile at a group of girls with rosy cheeks and bright smiles, listening attentively to the first campers’ introduction. I scan the circle for Jem and find him. Our eyes lock and he immediately waves at me. He turns his attention back on the person speaking once I wave back.

“Who’s that kid?”

I turn to see a smirking Harry beside me. He turns to look at Jem again.

“That’s my brother,” I tell him. He nods his head slowly.

“I can see that,” He jokes, “You look alike.”

“Yeah, it’s not like we’re related or anything,” I say sarcastically and Harry laughs.

“Well it’s clear you got the attractive gene,” He teases. His eyes go wide, “I didn’t mean to say that out loud, I’m sorry.” He blushes and looks away.

I’m taken back by his remark and feel a blush of my own creep up to my cheeks. I look at him and smile and he smiles back.

“Do you want to go for a walk? This is boring,” Harry asks.

“Sure… Won’t they notice we’re gone?” I ask. I’m sure Maggie wouldn’t mind, but I don’t want to get in trouble already. The summer just started.

“Leave that to me,” He smirks. He walks over to Maggie and whispers something in her ear. She nods her head and he walks back to me smiling.

“Follow me,” He says pulling my arm and I follow him outside.

“What did you say to her?” I ask as the gym door shuts behind us.

“That we forgot our camper list and had to go get them,” He says smoothly. I didn’t actually forget my list, I doubt Harry did either. That was a clever excuse, though.

We start walking towards the beach.

“Thank god we don’t have to sit through all those boring introductions anyways,” I say as we walk together.

“I know. I don’t think I could listen to another 9 year old girl talk about how she loves horses,” Harry jokes. We both laugh. The first two girls who introduced themselves both talked about their obsession with horses.

“I hope my brother doesn’t mind that I left him in there,” I admit. I don’t want him to feel like I ditched him with all those other kids. I’m sure he’ll be fine.

“You and your brother seem really close,” Harry observes.

“We are,” I smile.

We finally reach the beach. Harry sits in the sand and says, “Sit and watch the sunset with me.”

I look towards the lake and notice that the sun is going down. I sit next to Harry and tell him how I’ve never actually watched the sunset before, not even by myself.

“What!” He says shocked, “ Not even with your boyfriend?”

“Nope. I don’t even have a boyfriend, and the ones I did date never wanted to do that stuff together,” I say. I really don’t want to talk about my past relationships with Harry. These are the types of conversations that I have with Scarlett.

“Then you have obviously been dating the wrong guys,” He smirks.

“Oh, so you always take girls to watch the sunset then?” I tease raising my eyebrow.

“Only the pretty ones,” He blushes. This is the second time he’s complimented me… Kind of. It probably means nothing.

“Alexa…” Harry says slowly leaning towards me. I look into his green eyes and he moves closer.

“Harry…” I whisper. Is he going to do what I think he is? I don’t know if I should be excited or scared.

He’s sitting so close to me now that I can feel the head radiating off his body. He puts his hand on my cheek then leans towards me with his lips parted. I close my eyes parting my lips as well. Just before our lips touch someone yells from behind us.

“What do you two think you’re doing out here?”

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