Chapter 6

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Harry and I quickly pull away from each other. I turn around and see Blake walking towards us, and he looks pissed. Great, third day and I’ve already gotten myself in trouble.

“What are you two doing?” He asks again when he’s in front of us. He has his hands on his chubby hips. Harry and I stand to face him.

“Blake we-”

“It’s Mr. Mills to you, boy,” Blake interrupts Harry. He glares at Harry then turns to me and his expression softens.

“Alexa, is this boy trying to take advantage of you?”

He can’t be serious.

“No, sir. We were just-”

“It’s okay Alexa, you don’t need to lie or explain anything to me,” Blake interrupts and puts his hand on my arm to ‘comfort’ me. It’s the opposite from comforting, it’s creepy as hell.

Harry looks just as startled as me about how creepy Blake is being. I look to him for help hoping he can get us out of this situation.

“We better get back,” Harry says reading my mind. He grabs my other arm and pulls me away from Blake.

“You’re not going anywhere Styles,” Blake laughs, “You’re going to my office to wait until Maggie’s done so we can think about your punishment.”

“Punishment?” I say shocked, “He didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Taking advantage of a minor is against the law,” Blake says giving Harry a satisfied smile. Harry just glares at him.

“He didn’t take advantage of me!” I say angrily, “You can’t do anything to him.”

“Alexa sweetie, calm down. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Just go back to the gym,” Blake says soothingly. Well as soothingly as a creepy 40 year old bald man can get. The way he says my name makes my skin crawl.

“It’s fine Alexa, I’ll just go with him. Don’t worry,” Harry says through gritted teeth. I look at him and notice that he’s glaring at Blake.

“No,” I say firmly turning to Blake, “If Harry’s going to get in trouble then so am I.”

“Why are you being so stubborn,” Harry whispers to me.

“You know what, just go Harold. If I catch you breaking the rules again you will be fired and sent back to England,” Blake says to Harry.

“And Alexa, if you have any trouble with this boy you can come to me. My office is always open.” He adds turning to me.

I quickly walk away with Harry. Blake’s office is the last place I want to be and he’s crazy if the thinks I’ll ever go there.

“It’s not against the rules to kiss someone,” I mumble under my breath. Harry must have heard me because I hear him chuckle.

“He’s a creep,” Harry says.

“I couldn’t agree more,” I laugh.

We walk back to the gymnasium and enter silently. When we get inside it’s Jems turn to introduce himself. He’s 3 campers away from the end.

“Hello my name is Jem Clarke. My favourite thing to do is hang out with my sister because she always takes me places like to the movies or to the pool to swim,” Jem says. He sits and the next camper talks.

I see Scarlett sitting by herself and decide to keep her company.

“Where you did you and lover boy go?” She whispers when I sit down next to her.

“Shh. We just went for a walk,” I whisper back. I look back at Harry to make sure he isn’t listening to us but he’s talking with Niall on the other end of the room.

“I believe that just as much as I believe that pigs can fly,” Scarlet whispers sarcastically.

“I’ll tell you what actually happened later,” I sigh. Scarlett laughs and I roll my eyes smiling.

“Okay counselors come up here,” Maggie says once the last camper finishes their introduction. “Group 1 counselor read your list.”

Harry goes up to the front of the room of campers who are no longer sitting in a circle. They have mixed and gathered in a big group instead.

Harry takes out his list and reads out loud, “Jem, Angeli, Brooke and Hannah.”

I see 4 kids including my brother, get up and stand behind Harry. I’m Group 2 so I stand beside Harry and read off my list next.

“Thalia, Ryder, Matt and Tatum.” I say and 4 kids come to stand behind me. The rest of the counselors read off their lists and campers go to stand behind them. Harry, Scarlett and I are the only ones with 4 campers in our groups. The others range from 5-9.

A group of younger looking kids are left and Maggie addresses them and tells them that they’ll be with her and Blake.

Speaking of Blake, I haven’t seen him since me and Harry were at the beach. I hope I don’t have to see him for the rest of the summer, but I doubt that will happen.

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