Chapter 6

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-Next Morning-

I woke up and seen Justin still asleep. I slowly got up and tried to not wake him. "Where do you think you're going?" Justin said pulling me back in. "Going to take a shower because I smell and  I'm hung over." I said laughing. "Just lay down with me for a while." he said. "Justin no I have to go I have to work." I said pulling away. "no you don’t I called and said you were sick." "What why would you do that." "Because I wanted to spend the day with you before I leave." "Where are you going?" I asked "I have to go on tour tomorrow?" he said. "For how long?  "4 months." I got up from the bed and walked to the restroom. I sat on the floor and cried. "Jai are you okay?" Justin said knocking on the door. "Yea." I said "No you're not, I can hear you crying." he said "Open the door." he said. I got up from the floor and opened it. I quickly went back to sit on the floor and dug my face into my knees. I heard the door open and Justin came in. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I lifted my face and he pulled me into his chest. I continued crying for a while. I pulled away and Justin wiped away my tears. "Hey why are you crying beautiful?" he said "Because you're leaving once again."  I said and Justin started laughing. "Why are you laughing? I said wiping away my tears. "Because you're too cute!" "Are you saying my cuteness is funny?" I said seriously "I'm saying that it's cute that you're crying because I'm leaving." "That isn't funny." I said "Jaiden I'm not leaving for 7 years again." "Knowing you I wouldn’t be surprise  if you did." I said "Hey I missed you too much, I wouldn’t leave for that long again." he said I was going to kiss his cheek but he unintendedly moved his face and I ended kissing his lips. "I'm sorry." I said blushing. "Don't be." he said leaning in and kissing my lips again. "Be my girlfriend." Justin said "No." I said "Why not." "Because you just broke up with Selena and what makes you think I have feelings for you?." I asked " I see the way you look at me. I know that ever since we were little we both felt the same way Jaiden but don't worry soon you'll be mine." he said kissing my cheek. "Okay Bieber if you say so." I said getting up. Justin got up as well. "So are you going to tell me where we're going?"  "No but let's just say we're going to be sweaty." he said "oh god." I said. "Dress nice I'll be back to pick you up in 30 minutes." he said leaving. I closed the restroom door and I turned on the water. I striped down and I got into the shower. I quickly washed my hair and body and got out. I wrapped my hair and body in towels and I walked back to my room. I grabbed a bra and panties and put them on. I walked to my closet and I chose something to wear. I decided to wear khaki shorts with a white tank top and a pink cardigan. I grabbed brown converse and I put them on. I walked over to my dresser and I let my hair air dry. I heard the doorbell ring and I walked down to get it. "Ready?" Justin asked "Almost I just need my makeup." I said "No you're ready lets go."  he said throwing me over his shoulder and closing the door. "Justin let me go I said He opened the door and he put me in the passenger seat. He buckled me in and quickly ran to the driver's seat. "Why didn’t you let me finish getting ready?" I asked him. "Because you're already beautiful without it." he said smiling. He turned on the car and he drove for a while. "Where are we going?" I asked looking out the window. "You'll see." he said After about 20 minutes we had arrived to the soccer field Chaz, Ryan, Justin and I used to play together. "You didn't" I said getting out of the car quickly. "But I did." he said smiling and opening the trunk. He grabbed a soccer ball and we ran to the soccer field. Besides singing, soccer was my passion. After my dad left I stopped playing since I stopped caring about everything that made me happy. I took the ball away from Justin and he ran after me. He tried taking the ball away from me but failed. I shot into the goal and made it in. "Goooooal." I said running with my hands in the air. "You just got lucky." he said "Oh whatever I bet I can win you." I said "Fine lets bet, whoever makes 5 goals first wins and loser pays for dinner." he said "Deal." I said shaking his hand. He grabbed the ball and kicked it in the air I ran for it and quickly ran back to the goal. Justin was standing there but I tricked him and scored once again. "Oh 2-0 Bieber." I said. "I'm going easy on you, I don’t want to hurt your feelings." he said smiling. "Oh please you won't my feelings if you actually score." I said laughing I kicked the ball and this time he ran to get it. I tried going easy on him but I guess he lost his skills because the score was now 4-0. I had the ball and ran towards the goal. Justin was in front of me so I was going to go left but I ended up falling on top of him. We both laughed at each other. When are laughing died down I looked into his caramel eyes. He grabbed a strand of my hair and set it behind my ear. He caressed my cheek with my thumb and I leaned in. Our lips touched and I could taste a mint of mint from the gum he was chewing earlier. My mouth immediately opens and he doesn’t miss the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. My fingers tangle themselves into his hair and I tug on the soft strands when his grip on my waist tightens. I knew everything about this felt so wrong but it felt so right. His tongue skims my bottom lip and I am embarrassed when a moan escapes my throat. I pull away and we are both out of breath and my skin is hot and his cheeks are flushed. "I'm sorry." I said getting up and running away from him. The soccer field is surrounded by the woods so I run into them and I hide from him. I sit down next to a rock and catch my breath. "Jaiden where are you?" he yelled. I didn’t respond. "Can we talk about this." he yelled once again but this time closer to me. All of a sudden my phone rang. I quickly took it out of my pocket and shut it off. "There you are." Justin said behind me. I flinched and dropped my phone on the floor. Justin reached down to grab it. He handed it me and I dusted it off before putting it back in my pocket. "Can we talk about this?" he asked "Justin there is nothing to talk about." I said walking out of the woods. "Yes there is, you can't deny that you didn’t feel what I felt right now that we kissed" he said. "You know what I'm not going to lie I did feel it but why me? Tomorrow you'll be touring the country seeing prettier girls than me" I ask. "What do you mean?" "You can have any girl you want but why choose me?" I ask "I don’t want any other girl I want you because you're know the real me. Ugh This is why I hate being famous I can never have a relationship." he said frustrated  "Justin your fame has nothing to do with this. You've always wanted to be famous and don't say no because we both had the same dream just yours became reality." I said "Then why won't you give us a try?" "Because I'm not the girl you want to be seen with, your fans and media want to see you with a girl that is rich and famous and most importantly beautiful. Which if you haven't seen I'm none of those." I said getting into the car. He got into the passenger seat and turned on the car. The sun had already set and I didn’t know it was that late already.  "Why can't you see that I don’t care what the media says about who I date. I want you and only." he said "Justin can you just drive and stop talking about this." I said he put the car in drive and we were on our way. The whole car ride was silent. He pulled up at my house and he turned off the car. "Do you actually mean it?" I asked "What?" "That you want me and only me?" I asked "Yea." he said I couldn’t help but blush. I got off the car and I started walking towards my front door. "You're not going to say goodbye?" I heard him say. I looked back and he was leaning on his car. I walked back to him and I hugged him. "Goodbye Justin." I said and pulled away. I was about to walk back to my house but I felt Justin pull me back to him and our lips met. Once again I felt butterflies in my stomach. I pulled away and smiled. I walked to my house and opened the door. I closed it behind me and leaned against it. I couldn’t help be smile like a fool. "What's up with you?" I head Drew say. "Nothing." I said and I walked to my room. I knew I would miss Justin terribly. But I'm just sad that he didn’t ask me to go on tour with him but of course he asked Ryan and Chaz. I knew he was lying when he said he wanted me and only me. "Jai there's someone at the door for you." I herd Drew call out. I wasn't expecting anyone yet again Lexi always stops by without calling. I walked down and Justin was standing at the door. "I thought we said our goodbyes?" I said "Oh we did but I wanted to ask you something." he said "What?" I asked "Would you go on tour with me?" he asked "Duh." I said running to him and hugging him. "Good but I have one more surprise for you" he said "Which is?" "You'll love it but you won't know until tomorrow so goodnight and I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5 a.m." he said and walked back to his car. I closed the door and Drew just looked at me. "What?" I questioned. "You're really going to go?" he asked  "Why not?" "Jai you're going to be mad again about not getting signed with the label company." he said "Drew I'm going on tour not getting signed." I said "Fine, you know what you're doing. Just have fun." he said and kissed my forehead. I walked back to my room and started packing my things. It was about midnight when I had everything settled and ready for tomorrow. I changed into pajamas and I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling not being able to sleep.

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